The Spanish-language Solvis Consulting blog recently did an overview of Brian Solis’ report on the Digital Change Agent’s Manifesto.
ZDNet: How Neiman Marcus’s top-down innovation strategy transformed retail and increased revenue
Alison DeNisco Rayome of tech publication ZDNet recently did a look at clothing retailer Neiman Marcus’ efforts at tech innovation, and interviewed Brian Solis about the details.
No Jitter: How Not to Become a Victim of ‘Digital Darwinism’
Tim Pickard of Enterprise Connect’s “No Jitter” blog recently did an article on how not to fall behind with the rapid pace of technology, and extensively quoted Brian Solis’ public thoughts on the subject.
UCToday: Deep Dive – “Contact Centre 2.0: The Rise of Collaborative Contact Centres”
Patrick Watson of industry blog UCToday recently did a review of Brian Solis’ report on the rise of collaborative contact centers, analyzing the conclusions and quoting from it extensively.
CMSWire: Brian Solis: Customer Experience Is Still Too Much a Technology-First Discussion
China Louise Martens of industry blog CMSWire recently published a profile of and interview with Brian Solis, as part of their series highlighting the speakers of the upcoming Digital Customer Experience (DX) Summit. Brian Solis: Figure Out How The World Is Changing And How To Be More Relevant As The World Changes
Marketing specialist Vassilena Valchanova recently conducted an extensive interview with Brian Solis, soon after his keynote address at the 2018 DigitalK conference.
Lexology: VidCon 2018: What I Learned From My First VidCon Experience
At news aggregator Lexology, Farnaz Zanjani of Manatt Phelps & Phillips LLP recently wrote an overview of the 2018 VidCon conference, in particular citing Brian Solis’ keynote address.
Salesforce: Digital Transformation: Strategies for Success
The CRM software company Salesforce recently interviewed Brian Solis regarding tips and strategies for digital transformation, which they have included in a free report available for download at their website.
Strategic HCM Blog: #DWX18 Brian Solis on Culture 2.0
Jon Ingham at the industry blog Stragic HCM recently noted Brian Solis’ “Culture 2.0” talk as his favorite at the 2018 Digital Workplace Experience conference, and shared further thoughts on Solis’ key points.
The Human Dimension of Innovation and Digital Transformation
Any time I get to visit Madrid, Spain (España!), I take it. It’s where my mother was born and it’s where much of my family still reside. I used to visit every other year going back to my earliest of years. I miss it, I miss my family and I hope to visit again soon. During my last trip, I had the opportunity to partner with BBVA and Oracle to present to executives from Spanish companies on the state and…