Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

New Media

The Magic of Stories: How to be an Amazing Storyteller When Everyone is a Storyteller

The Magic of Stories: How to be an Amazing Storyteller When Everyone is a Storyteller

“There are over half a million Linkedln members with storytelling listed in their profile.” Once upon a time, I collaborated with LinkedIn and GapingVoid Culture Design Studio to explore the art and science of storytelling and inspire marketers to reimagine how they connect with their audiences. That partnership led to an interview, shared below, an ebook, “Once Upon a Digital Time“, and a video conversation, “Can Storytelling Save Marketing?” (video at the end of the post). Please follow this post…

MarketingFacts – Brian Solis (Salesforce): “Marketing kan zich heruitvinden als Customer Experience discipline”

MarketingFacts – Brian Solis (Salesforce): “Marketing kan zich heruitvinden als Customer Experience discipline”

While in Brussels, I had a very welcome opportunity to speak with Matthijs van den Broek, MarketingFacts: Innovative in Marketing, after all of these years. What a pleasure! Source: MarketingFacts In aanloop naar The Next Web 2022 (vandaag en gisteren) sprak ik met Brian Solis, keynote speaker, onderzoeker, ex-Altimeter. Een mooi weerzien, na een jaar of 12. De carrière van Solis is tot nu toe best indrukwekkend, niet alleen gezien waar hij nu staat (high-end adviseur van Marc Benioff bij…

Digital futurist says the technology behind psychographic targeted can be used for good, evil or advertising

Digital futurist says the technology behind psychographic targeted can be used for good, evil or advertising

Original article written by Austyn Allison, Campaign Middle East Brian Solis is Global Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce [previously principal analyst at Altimeter Group in the US], where he studies disruptive technology and works with companies around the world on business innovation and digital transformation strategies. He was introduced at last month’s OMD Predicts event in Dubai as “a keynote speaker, digital anthropologist and futurist,”and he has always looked at how technology affects society. He began his career looking at ways…

How Government Organizations Have to Make Up For Lost Time in Marketing Innovation

How Government Organizations Have to Make Up For Lost Time in Marketing Innovation

In this session from the 2020 GovComms Festival, we hear from Brian Solis, the Global Chief Evangelist for Salesforce. Brian discusses how dramatically society has changed amidst the rise of personal computers, the internet, social media and smartphones. Brian talks about the top priorities of marketers, according to the sixth edition of the Salesforce State of Marketing Research report. The top three priorities that Brian identifies are: first, compliance with privacy regulation. Second, hiring and developing talent. And third, innovation…

Forging Undisruptable Bonds Between Brands and Consumers

Forging Undisruptable Bonds Between Brands and Consumers

By Mark Burgess, author, The New Marketing: How to Win in the Digital Age There’s an old story about two men having an earnest conversation about the future. One is nervous about what’s coming, while the other seems oddly unperturbed. When asked how he can be so calm, the unbothered man motions for his friend to pull a book down off the shelf called “Future Facts.” The man cracks the book and is bewildered by what he sees. “All of the…

The End of Traditional Marketing and the Beginning of What’s Next

The End of Traditional Marketing and the Beginning of What’s Next

Congratulations to Carlos Gil on the release of his new book, “The End of Marketing: Humanizing your brand in the age of social media.” Carlos is a long-time friend and I was genuinely appreciative when he asked me to write the foreword for his first book. All I asked was that I could share the foreword with you upon the book’s release. I hope it helps you! This is the end of what was and the beginning of what’s next…

Three Brand Storytelling Misconceptions That Are Holding You Back

Three Brand Storytelling Misconceptions That Are Holding You Back

Guest Post by Ekaterina Walter and Jessica Gioglio In the era of the connected digital consumer, brand storytelling needs to undergo a radical shift. For many companies, brand storytelling has become a buzzword, a way to support marketing campaigns or polished commercials. So much so, that we’ve lost our focus on the heart and soul of brand storytelling. It’s time we took the BS out of brand storytelling and focus on what truly matters: building the meaningful and relevant connections…

Conversation Prism 5.0: The 2017 Social Media Universe in One Infographic

Conversation Prism 5.0: The 2017 Social Media Universe in One Infographic

Social media continues to reshape our world and how people connect, discover and share. While some argue that we should drop “social” from the moniker and simply call it “media,” the reality is that social media is only spreading, evolving and becoming more pervasive in our life and work. Every few years, I partner with JESS3 to capture the state of social media visually. The challenge is always great in that social networks and apps come and go, but over…

Why Processing Emotions Together Matters in Business

Why Processing Emotions Together Matters in Business

Guest post by Patti Sanchez (@PattiSan), co-author of the new book “Illuminate: Change Through Speeches, Stories, Ceremonies, and Symbols” (with Nancy Duarte @NancyDuarte) In business, as in life, the one thing that’s constant is change. In our personal lives, babies lose their teeth and grow adult ones. We have our first day of school then eventually graduate. We meet someone whom we someday marry and have children with. In our professional lives, we work toward big goals that result in…

We all talk of innovation, but few us start with innovation in our own work

We all talk of innovation, but few us start with innovation in our own work

Photo Credit: Brian Fanzo I don’t normally share things like this, but…I’ve had a heck of a week. On Monday, I released what I would consider my most significant research to date on the subject of digital transformation, “The Race Against Digital Darwinism: Six Stages of Digital Transformation.” I also spent traveled to San Diego (SMMW), Las Vegas (SAS) and Huntington Beach (WCPRSA). Not the most extreme mileage in comparison to previous trips, but each event, was in its own way, unforgettable….

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