Studying the impact of innovation on business and society



Mindshift: Transform Leadership, Drive Innovation, and Reshape the Future

Mindshift explores how leaders can spot and seize emerging opportunities, rally teams, and drive innovation in the face of disruption and emergent trednds. In this new era of rapid technological advancements and uncertainty, Brian reveals how to adapt leadership styles to anticipate trends, develop visionary ideas, and transform organizations. Whether you’re navigating AI, post-industrial shifts, or market disruption, Mindshift provides the tools to unlock your potential and shape a better future.

Available at Amazon | Barnes and Noble |BAM



How to live a more creative, productive, and happy life

Escape from the dark side of distractions to live a better life.
Are you struggling with focus, procrastination, anxiety, self-esteem, forgetfulness, or creativity?

Somewhere along the way, we have become distracted. Maybe we don’t realize the extent to which our everyday rituals, favorite devices and apps, or where we focus our attention is affecting us. Reading Lifescale is like holding up a mirror, and revealing a new you, as your obsessive relationship with distractions melts away. From simple first steps to reclaiming your attention, to becoming more satisfied, inspired, and creative, this book will lead you through your own journey of lifescaling: redefining success on your own terms.

Who’s in charge of your destiny? Is it you? If you find yourself unable to go longer than a few minutes without checking your phone, or falling victim to some other digital distraction, you aren’t alone.

Buy now at Amazon | Barnes and Noble | 800CEOREADBooks-A-Million | Wiley

X: The Experience Where Business Meets Design

The future of business is X – Experience

X explores why great products are no longer good enough to win with customers and why creative marketing and delightful customer service too are not enough to succeed. Brian shares why the future of business is experiential and how to create and cultivate meaningful experiences.

This isn’t your ordinary business book either. The idea of a book was re-imagined for a digital meets analog world to be a relevant and sensational experience. Its aesthetic was meant to evoke emotion while also giving new perspective and insights to help you win the hearts and minds of your customers. And, the design of this book, along with what fills its pages, was done using the principles shared within.

Buy now at Amazon | Barnes and Noble | 800CEOREADiTunes | Kindle

X Book |

"This isn’t just a book, it is an experience. But more than that, you will learn from one of the more creative and brilliant business minds of our time."

Brian Solis

"This isn’t just a book, it is an experience. But more than that, you will learn from one of the more creative and brilliant business minds of our time."

X Book | Inc

"The best customer experience book of the Year Has arrived."


Brian Solis


"The best customer experience book of the Year Has arrived."

X Book | IBM

"In math, x represents a variable to be solved for. in business, the x we must solve for is the experience we want to give our customers."


Brian Solis


"In math, x represents a variable to be solved for. in business, the x we must solve for is the experience we want to give our customers."

X Book | Jay Baer

"Rarely—very rarely—a book emerges that changes the way you think about books. Brian solis’ new book turns the business book trope on its ear. the most striking disruption is its form: this is a book that looks and feels more like an app."
Brian Solis
"Rarely—very rarely—a book emerges that changes the way you think about books. Brian solis’ new book turns the business book trope on its ear. the most striking disruption is its form: this is a book that looks and feels more like an app."

X Book | Venture Beat

"Throughout this 246-page book, readers are taken on a journey to discover how to piece together the components around establishing a strategic experience."

Brian Solis

"Throughout this 246-page book, readers are taken on a journey to discover how to piece together the components around establishing a strategic experience."

X Book | UX Magazine

"X is both a crash course in architecting great experiences and simultaneously a must-read for any designer looking to brush up on his trade."

UX Magazine

Brian Solis

UX Magazine

"X is both a crash course in architecting great experiences and simultaneously a must-read for any designer looking to brush up on his trade."
Brian Solis

What’s the Future of Business?

What’s the Future of Business, Changing the way businesses create experiences #WTF

Changing the way businesses create experiences…

What’s the Future of Business explores in a fun, visual and insightful way how connected consumerism breaks down into Four Moments of Truth, the role of technology in decision-making, and how businesses need to create experiences that mean something in each stage and also spark engagement between consumers based on those experience.

WTF also takes readers on an uplifting “hero’s journey” to help them bring about change from the inside out. The end result demonstrates how experience design amplifies customer relationships, drives word of mouth, and fosters organic advocacy. The point is that experiences can often trump your product or service.

Order now at Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iTunes | Nook | Kindle

The End of Business as Usual

The End of Business as Usual: Rewire the way you work to succeed in the consumer revolution

The End of Business As Usual examines each layer of the complex consumer revolution that is changing the future of business, media, and culture. As consumers further connect with one another, a vast and efficient information network takes shape and begins to steer experiences, decisions, and markets. It is nothing short of disruptive.

This book will change the way you view the world of business, from sales and marketing to customer service and product development to leadership and culture.

Order now at Amazon | Barnes and Noble | 800CEOREAD.


Engage: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web

Social media has democratized influence, forever changing the way businesses communicate with customers and the way customers affect the decisions of their peers. With platforms like Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, anyone can now find and connect with others who share similar interests, challenges, and beliefs-creating communities that shape and steer the perception of brands. Without engagement in these communities, we miss major opportunities to shape our marketing messages.

However, use of the tools does not guarantee that people will listen. Engagement is shaped by the interpretation of its intentions. In order for social media to mutually benefit you and your customers, you must engage them in meaningful and advantageous conversations, empowering them as true participants in your marketing and service efforts.

With Engage! as your guide, you can effectively compete in this new era of digital Darwinism while engendering the support of online champions. Social and participatory media significantly contribute to the success of every modern business, and with this book, you will find out how to:

– Create a space in the online ecosystem that truly represents your business and cultivates your customers’ loyalty and trust

– Participate in the unique culture of each available social media platform to engage your customers

– Establish an organizational structure that constantly targets the next new media trend

– Attract online champions and change agents who will uncover the social networks you need to reach and the influencers who will help build your reputation in the networked world

– Consistently adapt your company to market needs and trends based on the invaluable connections you forge and the empathy and insight you garner in the process

There are thousands of customers waiting to hear from you about your business and vision. It’s the minimum ante to create a vibrant and loyal online community. When you engage, you will build an authoritative social network that increases your visibility, relevance, influence, and profitability. It’s time to Engage!

Now revised and updated!

Buy it from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books a Million | Borders | 800CEOREAD

Putting the Public Back in Public Relations

Putiting the Public Back in Public Relations

Putting the Public Back in Public Relations

As the New York Times recently documented in its article, “Spinning the Web: PR in Silicon Valley,” the industry is, at the very least, in a state of disarray, mired in a global branding crisis. Up until now, PR was without a crisis communications team to anything about it.

A new book offers help and hope. And, it’s not just for PR and communications professionals. This book documents the socialization of the Web, marketing, service, and product development and promises to help anyone responsible for creating, managing, and steering the brand on behalf of any company.

Putting the Public in Public Relations is written for the those facing the new intersection of all that is literally “Public Relations” including PR, customer service, brand managers, advertising, social media, community management, media and journalism, marketing, teachers and students, content publishers, and everyone in between.

Book Summary:

PR, as we know it, is a dying practice having evolved away from the public and instead concentrating its energy on broadcasting messages to audiences through intermediaries such as media and bloggers.

What we’ve learned and what we know are quickly fading into irrelevance and obscurity. Reporters and analysts are now sharing the stage with a new generation of influencers…YOU!

In addition to a still relevant process of media relations, we now need to expand our scope of participation and outreach by also identifying, understanding, and engaging the everyday people who have defined a powerful and democratized online platform for creating and distributing information, insight, and opinions – effectively gaining authority in the process.

Public Relations can now participate in the online conversations that define our markets.. This is a new era of influence and in order to engage, we have to rewire our DNA to stop marketing “at” audiences in order to genuinely and intelligently humanize our story to connect with real people and the online communities they inhabit.


Putting the Public Back in Public Relations is a crucial guidebook for helping brands navigate the social economy, while enhancing your career and future in the process.

This book will help businesses forge meaningful relationships with the traditional and new influentials in order to cultivate a loyal and hyper-connected community of advocates.

Buy it from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Borders

Now is Gone

Now Is Gone

Now Is Gone

Now Is Gone seeks to help businesses embrace Social Media intelligently. Readers can learn if their organization is ready, how to begin, the predominant participation is marketing approach that other businesses are using, social media marketing strategies, and general social media insights. In addition to best practices, the book is laced with case studies that demonstrate corporate successes. This primer provides the quickest way for executives and entrepreneurs to figure out social media marketing.

Buy from Amazon

The Conversation Prism

The Conversation Prism

Developed in 2008 by Brian Solis, The Conversation Prism is a visual map of the social media landscape. It’s an ongoing study in digital ethnography that tracks dominant and promising social networks and organizes them by how they’re used in everyday life.

You can use the Conversation Prism poster in a number of ways…

Show your executive team that social media is not a fad and that it’s bigger than Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Share with your team to motivate them on new ways to think about social media.
Celebrate that you’re on the map!
Study the landscape as you plan your next social media strategy.
Show the world that you appreciate art.


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