Using inputs by Followerwonk Social Authority, Alexa, & Twitter, Ross Dawson recently put together a clever widget to rank the most influential “Futurist” leaders on social media. Brian Solis ranked #87!
The Financial Brand – Top 9 Digital Consumer Trends for Financial Marketers in 2019
“The question is no longer just about how to ensure brands appear in key search moments online,” says Brian Solis, ” but also about the type of role brands should play in the conversation – including how they influence and affirm the experiences people are seeking in real life.”
How Customer Service Is Guiding Digital Transformation
On Microsoft’s Savvy Business Leaders podcast series, host Bill Detwiler discussed with Solis how customer service is guiding digital transformation, with companies using data to be more accessible on mobile platforms and best meet customers’ expectations. Asked why companies need to rethink customer experience, Solis explained that customer experience is the number one catalyst for digital transformation. He said, “The biggest thing about this is that customers are going through or undergoing profound changes in their behaviors, which ultimately affect…
IPFC Online: 50 Top Digital Influencers To Follow in 2019
French web agency IPFC recently released their list of the top 50 digital influencers they recommend that people follow in 2019, with Brian Solis coming in at #45.
AdAge: A New Customer Experience: How AI Is Changing Marketing
Industry publication AdAge recently had a look at how artificial intelligence is changing the nature of marketing, citing Brian Solis’ thoughts on the subject.
Cision PR Newswire: Innovation at Experian
Credit monitoring service Experian recently hosted a live streaming broadcast on how technology is changing their industry, featuring Brian Solis interacting with Experian’s senior executives.
CNET: Facebook to hand off editorial oversight to independent board in 2019
Tech publication CNET recently did an article on Facebook’s decision to hand over editorial oversight of their service to an independent board in 2019, talking with Brian Solis about his views on the subject.
Digital Adoption 101: The Top Digital Leaders to Follow on Twitter
Industry publication Digital Adoption 101 recently released a list of their top digital leaders to follow at Twitter, citing Brian Solis for particular praise.
Demand Gen Report: Podcast: The Future Of Influencer Marketing Is Influencer Relations
The podcast of industry publication Demand Gen recently had on Brian Solis as a featured guest, discussing the past and future of influencer relationships.
Fortune: Advertisers Are Giving People With 1,000 Instagram Followers Endorsement Deals
Fortune magazine recently looked at the phenomenon of advertisers offering endorsement deals to Instagram members with large followings, quoting from Brian Solis’ thoughts on the subject.