Today I’m speaking at the Bulldog Reporter Advanced PR Technology in Practice event in San Francisco. It is an intensive update on how to exploit the state of the art for increased visibility, greater ROI and crisis management. From the event description: You’ll bring yourself absolutely up to date on where PR technology stands today, on how to put it to use safely and cost-effectively, and on what new advances you can expect to see over the coming year. Best…
MJAA Professional Mixer: The Road from Employee to Founder
Alison McNeill Joanne Wan, Mixer Chair of the Monte Jade Science and Technology Association, informed us of an event we think you should know about. Next Tuesday, Nov 14, she will be moderating a great panel (e.g. Trinity Ventures, FanPop, and Mobile80) focused on the topic of transitioning from employee to founder of your own company. The evening will also include a networking mixer filled with aspiring and current entrepreneurs. Event Description Stories of young Silicon Valley millionaires are popping…
From Social Media to Corporate Media – Video Series #3
Video Series #3 – Jeremiah Owyang, Chris Heuer, and Chris Carfi. What started as a special test program for PodTech, has now spawned a life of its own. I’m running this particular series here, in advance of PodTech, because PR2.0 is a forum for exploring the fusion of Social Media and PR as well as the bubbling activity behind the Social Media Release. The series features some very important interviews with those truly behind the evolution of Social Media. Alison…
Web 2.2 Starts Tomorrow – Agenda and Topics Published
Chris Heuer sent a note that the Web 2.2 agenda is coming together based on several high quality proposals that were made for the talk topics. But, they also need your input (see below). If you have suggestions, all is not lost, as there will be open space sessions that will run concurrently (except for the Thursday morning BrainJams which they encourage everyone to participate in, and possibly the ‘Surprise!’ sessions.) The Web 2.2 team is seeking feedback on the…
How to Write a Social Media Press Release – Part II
“How to Write” a Social Media Press Release Template Now Available In Honor of the 100th Birthday of the Press Release, New Worksheet Explains Social Media and the Process of Writing SMPRs See example, history, and additional information here. I. Headline: Insert a short, compelling headline that features keywords, not buzzwords, to attract attention and legitimate interest by those who cover your space as well as potential customers. II. Sub Headline: The Subhead should further explain why someone should continue…
Interview with Robert Scoble – From Social Media to Corporate Media
Video Series #2 – Robert Scoble What started as a special test program for PodTech, has now spawned a life of its own. I’m running this particular series here, in advance of PodTech, because PR2.0 is a forum for exploring the fusion of Social Media and PR as well as the bubbling activity behind the Social Media Release. Alison McNeil (who is a frequent contributor to this blog) and I caught up with Scoble at the recent “Social Media to…
From Social Media to Corporate Media – Video Series #1
Well, it’s a long time coming but we finally got everything edited and published for you to enjoy. What started as a special program for PodTech (official program to be announced soon), has now spawned a life of its own. I’m running this particular series here, in advance of PodTech, because of the fusion of Social Media and PR and the bubbling activity behind the Social Media Release. There are some very important interviews with those truly behind the evolution…
This week: The Art of Start and Launch: Silicon Valley
My friend Zoli Erdos let me know about two important events coming up this week. On November 8, 2006, make plans to attend The Art of Start and Launch Silicon Valley produced by SVASE and The Art of the Start is a conference dedicated to helping entrepreneurs succeed. It runs from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Start-up authority and popular business author Guy Kawasaki and experts from Garage, along with Silicon Valley leaders and mavericks, venture capitalists, and successful…
Web Two Oh Chronicles – November SF NewTech Meetup
Organized by Joel Sacks, CNET and Marketing Strategist at BuzzShout, and Myles Weissleder, SF NewTech Meetup celebrated yet another new milestone of over 600 members. The November SF NewTech seemed to come up pretty quickly this time. And, it rained again (October’s event greeted us with rain as well) – let’s hope this isn’t a pattern! As usual Myles kicked things off to what had to be the largest turnout yet. The event attracted the usual faces, with some new…
The Evolution of Social Media Press Releases – NMR Cast #10
Chris Heuer, Shel Holtz, and I recorded the latest edition of the New Media Release NMRCast for Shel’s award-winning For Immediate Release (FIR) podcast. The New Media Release Podcast, episode 10 can be downloaded here, heard directly from the FIR page, or subscribed to via the NMRCast feed. Also, the Apple iTunes subscription is now available here or by searching for NMRCast at the Apple iTunes store under “podcasts.” Content Summary: Chris Heuer, Brian Solis, Shel Holtz. talk about Social…