Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Web 2.2 Starts Tomorrow – Agenda and Topics Published

Chris Heuer sent a note that the Web 2.2 agenda is coming together based on several high quality proposals that were made for the talk topics. But, they also need your input (see below).

If you have suggestions, all is not lost, as there will be open space sessions that will run concurrently (except for the Thursday morning BrainJams which they encourage everyone to participate in, and possibly the ‘Surprise!’ sessions.)

The Web 2.2 team is seeking feedback on the sessions – in particular by filling out a short survey that they posted to the Blog last night.

They’re looking for two things on each session;

1) Your level of interest in the topic so that they can determine if a given session should remain in the main room or move to the Open Space area – and, if another one proposed for the open space has enough interest, we may need to swap them out.

2) They also want to gather as many of your questions or suggested resources for each session beforehand as possible, so that they may be given to the discussion leaders to use.

Alright…what are you waiting for? Jump over there now and give them your two point two cents!


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