Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Digital Transformation

CX Starts with Understanding Today’s Customer Experience, Then Designing Them To Be Amazing and Integrated

CX Starts with Understanding Today’s Customer Experience, Then Designing Them To Be Amazing and Integrated

The following discussion represents Part 2 of my conversation withĀ Loyalty360Ā CEO and CMO Mark Johnson. In this last part of the series,Ā  Change Starts with You Altimeter Groupā€™s Principal Analyst Brian Solis is dedicated to creating change within brands and bringing customer experience into the spotlight. The first step, Solis told Loyalty360 in a recent discussion, is to define the CX problem and use that to guide solutions. More specifically, he challenged businesses to rethink what CX really means across the…

Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2017

Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2017

Every year, my good friend Jim Marous organizes a “top trends and predictions in retail banking” for the annual Digital Banking Report. I do my best to support his efforts as its an important topic and it’s also a discussionĀ that applies to almost every industry. The report featuresĀ 99 global financial services leaders plusĀ me ;).Ā The crowdsourced panel includes bankers, credit union executives, industry analysts, advisors, authors and fintech followers fromĀ Asia, Africa, North America, South and Central America, Europe, the Middle East…

The Coming Trends in Digital Transformation, Marketing, CX and EX [VIDEO]

The Coming Trends in Digital Transformation, Marketing, CX and EX [VIDEO]

It was the day after the U.S. election. I arrived in Copenhagen. I was tired. It near the end of a two week trip that took me to Munich, Amsterdam, Beirut, and London. But, I was also excited to attend Digital Copenhagen, a conference that explores digital trends affecting the future of business. My presentation was set to challenge conventional beliefs around several important technological and business trends. Before I took the stage, I joined the crew at TwentyThree to…

I Answer Your Questions About the State of Digital Transformation

I Answer Your Questions About the State of Digital Transformation

Where are companies at in their digital transformation efforts? This was the question I set out to answer in, ā€œThe 2014 State of Digital Transformationā€ report. Ā After two years, it was time to check-in on the digital transformation landscape again to learn how companies are changing, what challenges theyā€™re facing now and what opportunities theyā€™ve uncovered. Recently, I hosted a webcast on behalf of Altimeter and Prophet to share the findings from the latest ā€œState of Digital Transformationā€ report. Over…

Innovation in Customer Experience Starts with a Shift in Perspective

Innovation in Customer Experience Starts with a Shift in Perspective

While traveling Europe this year, I metĀ Silvia HƤnig who was writing a story for about customer experience. She followed up our initial conversation with the questions below. Instead of shooting back quick answers, I took the time, maybe too much time, to thoughtfully reply as if I were going to share the exchange with everyone. And, that’s what I’m doing here. I hope it helps you… Mister Solis, why is it so difficult to create Customer Experience (CX) for…

Connected Customer Experiences Are at the Heart of Digital Transformation

Connected Customer Experiences Are at the Heart of Digital Transformation

The word “digital” can be misleading. Digital transformation is about how people and their behaviors, expectations, and preferences are changing. Customer experience (CX) is one of the most important trends in business today as it brings companies closer to customers and customers closer to brands. But CX is also so much more. The work toward creating more relevant, meaningful and productive customer experiences also places your company and employees on a path toward business transformation. But this isn’t change for…

Digital Transformation is Still Largely Technology-First, People-Second

Digital Transformation is Still Largely Technology-First, People-Second

Digital transformation has officially become a ubiquitous term that describes any companyā€™s investment in digital infrastructure regardless of ultimate vision and intention. But, unless digital transformation takes a technology-second and a customer/employee first approach, investments will be unaligned with market evolution and more importantly, human behaviors, preferences and expectations. Technology is just a means to power business transformation. But technology can only get part of the job done. You need people. And, like technology, people are changing. Each time I…

5 Tips for Reimagining Yourself in an Era of Digital Darwinism

5 Tips for Reimagining Yourself in an Era of Digital Darwinism

Learning to do things differently will have a positive impact on your business. Recently, IĀ had the chance to talk with Deep Patel for EntrepreneurĀ to discuss the challenges and opportunities surroundingĀ digital Darwinism.Ā In the conversation, I Ā shared some of my work and observations about how living in an era of greatĀ disruption will ultimately humanize businessĀ (at least I hope). Following is a summary of our conversation and fiveĀ prescriptions for surviving and thriving an era of digital Darwinism… 1. Reimagine yourself in an era…

Human-centered CX: Uniting stakeholders across the enterprise

Human-centered CX: Uniting stakeholders across the enterprise

Customer experience is said to be a top business priority for most companies around the world. Many experts agree that investing in CX establishes a competitive advantage against companies that choose to solely prioritise the bottom line. While customer experience is a noble and important catalyst for business transformation, becoming truly customer-centric requires an introspective approach. This takes stepping back to define what customer experience really means from the customer’s perspective – what they truly value and also whatā€™s primed,…

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