Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Digital Transformation

Moving Beyond Demographics: Today’s Hyperconnected ‘Generation C’

Moving Beyond Demographics: Today’s Hyperconnected ‘Generation C’

Several years ago as I was writing The End of Business as Usual, I researched how the customer journey was evolving. Specifically, I studied how traditional touch points compared to digital touch points and more so, how customers were hacking their way to desired outcomes. Along the way, I found that when it comes to “digital customers,” alignment in behaviors and preferences spanned generations beyond traditional demographics. At the time, I referenced this group of hyperconnected customers “Generation C” where…

Would you make a decision to join or leave a company based on how you work?

Would you make a decision to join or leave a company based on how you work?

Did you know that employees and employee prospects judge the immediate and long-term potential of a company by their reliance on desktop phones? To some it makes total sense. Why would any company have tethered devices to talk to someone else? Don’t we have mobile devices and apps for that? Besides, I’m always on the go. On the other hand, some might wonder as to why we would be having this conversation at all. Of course there are desktop phones!…

10 Things Modern Digital Commerce Players are Doing To Thrive and Survive

10 Things Modern Digital Commerce Players are Doing To Thrive and Survive

The future of commerce is already unfolding. Even though everyone says, “yes we know the world is changing,” I don’t believe that executives have shiftedĀ their thinking or belief system to change how they make decisions toĀ compete differently. The challenge is that many decision-makersĀ are caught in a state of “future shock,” stuck in the past and unable to move in ways that matter to an incessantly evolving market. Why? Because they still operate in an ecosystem that prioritizes quarter-to-quarter performance while…

Culture is Either the Roadblock or Highway to Innovation – We Need Leadership not Management

Culture is Either the Roadblock or Highway to Innovation – We Need Leadership not Management

After studying customer experience,Ā digital transformationĀ andĀ innovationĀ for so many years, I’ve found that the next big thing in business (r)evolution is culture. The other most interesting thing I’ve learned is that while businesses are readying or investing in change, the definition of meaningful culture is elusive or inconsequential. Yet, company culture is either the number one catalyst or inhibitor to progress. Culture needs a champion. As Peter Drucker once famously said, ā€œCulture eats strategy for breakfastā€¦ā€ Like most aspects in business, management…

What Makes Someone a Thought Leader?

What Makes Someone a Thought Leader?

That was the question I was recently asked by my friend Vivienne Neale. I wasn’t sure how to reply. After all, we all have our “thought leaders” whom we follow. Me, I always wanted to be part of a community where doing meaningful things made belonging matter. Honestly, I don’t consider myself a thought leader. I simply sharedĀ my ideas and work because I felt alone in my mission to change the future of business. I’ve always believed I couldn’t do…

Executives Don’t Live the Brand the Way Customers Do and This is Why CX is Shorted

Executives Don’t Live the Brand the Way Customers Do and This is Why CX is Shorted

The one thing about CRM is that it often has very little to do with “customers” or “relationships” and more to do with the “management” of dated perspectives, systems and processes. So many executives these days are chasing technology and recruiting new expertise to track customers, analyze their data, map journeys and push the most relevant content, messages, promo on the right device at the right time.Ā You’re probably asking, “what’s wrong with that?” In many ways, it is exactly the…

The Definition of Digital Transformation

The Definition of Digital Transformation

The definition of digital transformation is… 2019: Digital transformation is the evolving pursuit of innovative and agile business and operational models ā€” fueled by evolving technologies, processes, analytics, and talent ā€” to create new value and experiences for customers, employees, and stakeholders. 2014 – 2019: The realignment of, or new investment in, technology, business models, and processes to drive new value for customers and employees and more effectively compete in an ever-changing digital economy. This is how I define digital…

Experiences Become Brands and Great Brands Become Experiences

Experiences Become Brands and Great Brands Become Experiences

These days, it seems that IĀ travel to events overseas more than in the United States. While many companies around the world believe they are behind U.S. companies, I can say that from first hand experience, any company pursuing the future of customer experience, innovation, and brand is ahead of the game…regardless of where it’s based. When I receive an invitation to present, it exemplifies, at least to me, that those attending the event are keen on learning about how to…

Sharing a Personal Story – A Rare Glimpse into What Inspires Me and How  I Got Here

Sharing a Personal Story – A Rare Glimpse into What Inspires Me and How I Got Here

Believe it or not, I’m a private person. I know it seems ironic. After all, I was one of the early group that worked toĀ bringĀ social media to the forefront in the early 2000s. But, I still tend to not share personal information online. I do however, share my work freely with everyone in the hopes of creating a community of betterment in business, government and society. There are rare occasions however when I do open up to share stories that…

4 Keys to Designing New Customer Experiences

4 Keys to Designing New Customer Experiences

On a cold and rainy day in Minneapolis before year’s end, I joined my Prophet colleagues at Le Meridien ChambersĀ where we hosted aĀ breakfast of brand champions. It was the second time this year that I was invited to speak to some of the city’s (and the country’s) most prominent companies and this time I had even more new research and ideas to share. During the two hours that we were together, I presented findings from “The 6 Stages of Digital…

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