Source The power to analyze behavior and sentiment on Twitter and translate it into trends and direction is limited only by our powers of observation and imagination. As you may or may not know, I have assumed the role of data analyst at PeopleBrowsr, in addition to the other ventures I’m running or advising. Recently, I published The State of the Airline Industry on Twitter, the first in an ongoing series of Twitter-centric reports. Soon, I will roll out additional…
Twitter Lists Now Available in Beta
Last week, while attending Blogworld Expo, I logged into Twitter to catch up on a few DMs. Upon login, I noticed that something was just a bit different. My home page featured a sizable banner that announced the “beta” release of lists. While I knew the release of Twitter lists was imminent, I didn’t expect it so quickly. Essentially, waves of people are receiving access to lists, offering an effective form of contextual curation to follow and stay connected to…
3 Realities of Social Media
Guest post by Michael Brito. Follow him on Twitter, add him on Facebook or read his blog. Source: Shutterstock This post is a reflection of my personal experiences working in the enterprise and does not reflect the point of view of previous or current employer. Reality #1: Consumers already get it; brands are still trying to figure it out Consumers use the social web to talk about everything including products. Sometimes they are praiseworthy, sometimes not. There are no strategic…
We’re Spending More Time with Social Media: Advertisers Follow
Source: Shutterstock The attention dashboard is rapidly emerging as the online hub for sharing and discovering information, connecting us to people, content, and events in real-time. According to research, we’re already spending more time in social networks than we are in email. New studies are only fortifying these findings, documenting an increase time spent specifically in Social Media and blogs. In fact, the Nielsen Company reports reports that time spent on social networks and blogs accounted for 17 percent of…
The Top 100 Twitter Publishing Tools and Services
Source As I was writing the report on Facebook and Twitter traffic growth, I had noticed that the engagement time at had dropped by 31 percent year-over-year. September 2009: 18:07 September 2008: 26:12 Engagement Difference = -31% I suspected that the shift in numbers stemed from the migration of those who previously interacted on and now engage via third-party clients such as TweetDeck, Seesmic, CoTweet, HootSuite, et al. As such, I thought it would be productive to review…
The Great Social Divide: Twitter, Facebook Traffic Surges, Myspace Fades
Source: Shutterstock Recently, Facebook announced that it had surpassed the 300 million user mark. According to Experian HitWise, Facebook accounted for 58.59 percent of all U.S. visits among a custom category of 155 social networking Web sites in September 2009. This is an interesting stat and I would love for Experian HitWise to send the full list over, so that I can also analyze the playing field for new, emerging, and declining players across the board. The report noted that…
The Psychology of Twitter with Dr. Drew
Twitter is a phenomenon unto itself. Which is why, in the study of Social Media, Digital Anthropology and Sociology prevails. Technology indeed facilitates interaction while also introducing us to nuances that transcend the parameters governing natural conversations and asynchronous dialogue into new forms of conversational threads and networks. Twitter is among those networks actively studied by many (myself included) as it seemingly defies the laws of natural flow and engagement. The foundation that makes Twitter work is also the very…
These are a Few of My Favorite Tweets
Source: Shutterstock I believe that part of the allure of the social web is the ability to not only publish content, but to also recognize the contributions of others. Twitter is one such forum where the public art of recognition and reciprocity is spoken through both actions and words and are usually done so through @’s, Retweets (RTs), Follow Fridays (FF), link sharing, et al. One of the biggest opportunities for paying it forward that is currently underutilized in Twitter…
FTC Values Sponsored Posts at $11,000 Apiece
What follows is the unabridged version of my latest post for TechCrunch, “FTC Values Sponsored Conversations at $11,000 Apiece“ Source: Shutterstock In May, I reviewed the proposed Federal Trade Commission guidelines that would ultimately affect and change how brands employ endorsements into their marketing, advertising, and communications programs. Today, the Federal Trade Commission made good on its threat promise by releasing its final revisions to the guidance it gives advertisers on how to keep their endorsement and testimonial ads in…
Twitter Trends: Airline Hotlist August 2009
As Twitter adoption travels from the left to the right of Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Bell Curve, mainstream consumer behavior gathers momentum, manifesting into influential and telling market indicators. This invaluable behavior and sentiment eventually becomes deafening and without actively monitoring and analyzing this movement, we miss opportunities to learn, grow, and help. We need a prescribed lens into the real-time thoughts, observations, and experiences of real people, unfiltered, to make informed decisions and both lead and evolve along with…