Source: Shutterstock As consumers, I think you’ll agree, prior to making any decision purchase, most of the time, our journey begins with a combination of online search and real world conversations with friends, family and peers. As the Web matures, a greater volume of our attention and focus continues to shift from other mediums to the Web for not only purchase considerations but also for content discovery. It’s how we learn. It’s how we stay connected. Nielsen released a new…
Collecta Turns Internet’s Ocean of Data into a River of Real Time Information
I’m blogging from the Real-Time Stream event in Redwood City, California organized by TechCrunch. I will share more of my thoughts and observations in a series of posts at a later time – there’s just so much too process in “real time.” Let’s just say that the future of search, streams and the concept of the “Now Web” is blindingly bright. One of the presenting companies here is Collecta, a new take on Web search, social aggregation, and real-time aggregation…..
Which Blog Platforms Power the Top 100 Blogs?
Source Is 2009 the year you finally dive into the world wide web of blogging? Or, is it the year you switch blogging platforms or services? It is for me. In fact, I’m exploring the near-term migration of PR 2.0 from Blogger to WordPress (both self-hosted). Make no mistake, even with the popularity of micro communities such as Twitter, aggregated streams/lifestreams such as Strands and FriendFeed, and tumblelogs (Tumblr), blogging is still one of the most effective and visible stages…
The Escalator Pitch, Going Up?
The escalator is the new elevator when it comes to pitching and the emerging practice of micro public relations. While some bloggers and reporters are actively blacklisting PR people, whether it’s fair or not, it’s not truly fixing or changing anything at a grand scale – at least not yet. I’m part of a growing number of PR folks who are committed to sharing stories, experiences, tools, practices, and ideas on how to specifically fix the relationships between PR and…
Summize Listens to Conversations and Sentiment on Twitter
Just a bit ago, I wrote a post covering my favorite tools for monitoring conversations on Twitter. I’d like to add one more to the bunch. Recently launched Summize is similar to TweetScan, but also unique in its capabilities and in turn, changes how we may view Twitter search. At the very minimum, it’s a basic search tool that operates similar to how you would naturally search in Yahoo or Google. Both tools bring Twitter alive and expose the layers…
Social Media Releases In Action
I recently ran “The Definitive Guide to Social Media Releases,” which has received some great feedback. Thank you everyone! Even though it’s a blog post, it doesn’t mean that its shelf life is merely limited to the brief period of time in between new posts. I’d like it to live on and evolve over time as we learn more about SMRs. And, you’re a big part of that evolution. I was planning on letting that post sit up there for…
The Definitive Guide to Social Media Releases
The Social Media Release is back in the spotlight once again and its sparking conversations, inspiring experiments, and raising confusion along the way. This time, intent and distribution take center stage. Good friends Todd Defren and Christopher Lynn took the time to research how wire services are positioning their products for Social Media. Todd posted the results here. Great work guys! Basically, when you call your local representative, you’re presented with the following capabilities. Now, whether these stats are accurate,…
Google Buys Jaiku, Lifestreams Go Mainstream
Disclosure, Jaiku is a client of FutureWorks and all opinions here are my own. Jaiku confirmed today that Google *hearts* the lifestream/microblog underdog, officially announcing that the previous rumors of a potential acquisition were true. The first question that I’ve been asked over and over again was why didn’t Google acquire Twitter and whether or not I think Yahoo will be forced to respond with the acquisition of Twitter or Pownce. While those discussions are indeed interesting, I think that…
Top iPhone Applications for PR and Marketing Professionals
The iPhone is gaining traction as not only the must have gadget of the year, but also as an effective tool for mobile professionals. Rather than continue gushing about a device that I am forced to love, I will continue to post new stories when I find new ways to justify its value beyond a killer iPod with phone and Web functionality. Since Apple has refused to offer an SDK (software development kit), I have been somewhat reluctant to believe…
Introducing Office 2.0OLS
Last year, at Ismael Ghalimi’s Office 2.0 Conference in San Francisco, I was more than encouraged about the future of shifting from a traditional PC/server software-based architecture to an anywhere, anytime Web-based collaborative office. 2007 is the new 1984 – meaning Office 2.0 applications represent to consumers what Apple meant to PC users over 20 years ago. While there were some clear leaders, usable applications, and more importantly, promise, the greater story lies in just how realistic it is to…