Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: google

VentureBeat Launches, Crashes, and Emerges as the Valley’s Newest, Must-Read Blog

What a last couple of days….sorry to report on this so late, but, as always, you will get one helluva a report! For all of you SiliconBeat readers, you may have found this message… And for you others, you may have read at SiliconBeat, Valleywag, Stowe Boyd’s Message, among many others…VentureBeat recently launched, and then crashed amidst the linking frenzy that ensued…but has emerged as a bonafide resource for Venture-related deals and companies worth tracking in and around Silicon Valley….

WifiTastic – Look Out Fon and the rest of you Fon’eros!

With all of the hype and buzz around free WiFi and big investments in companies trying to bring free connectivity to a neighborood near you, including venture-funded Fon, Google’s new service for Mountain View residents and employees and Wireless Silicon Valley…one company is taking a different approach. They are making Wifi earn money for you! Founded by David Sidrane and Rob Harding, WifiTastic officially introduced its public BETA program recently. Unlike the others, WifiTastic enables any broadband subscriber to create…

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