Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Introducing Office 2.0OLS


Last year, at Ismael Ghalimi’s Office 2.0 Conference in San Francisco, I was more than encouraged about the future of shifting from a traditional PC/server software-based architecture to an anywhere, anytime Web-based collaborative office. 2007 is the new 1984 – meaning Office 2.0 applications represent to consumers what Apple meant to PC users over 20 years ago.

While there were some clear leaders, usable applications, and more importantly, promise, the greater story lies in just how realistic it is to actually start the shift now. Over the last year, I have been experimenting with the deployment of many web-based services from accounting/invoicing (Freshbooks), online reporting, blogging, and forum moderation (SiteKreator), document, spreadsheet, and presentation, creation, collaboration, and sharing (ThinkFree – I migrated from Google Docs), file exchange (YouSendIt), and intelligent, integrated searching and clipping (BlueOrganizer) among many others. I’m also preparing to start an evaluation of Collanos, which is software designed to facilitate team project collaboration.

I’m more than happy to report that as each day passes, my internal and external network of viewers and collaborators is rapidly expanding. And we really are only at the beginning.
In preparation for the upcoming Under The Radar Office 2.0 Event (I’m part of their blogger network), O’Reilly’s Web 2.0 Expo, and of course The Office 2.0 Conference later in the year, I’m starting a new series of application-focused posts. “Office 2.0OLS” is dedicated to chronicling my experience with the migration towards making the underlying principles of Office 2.0 a day-to-day reality in my workflow.

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2 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “Introducing Office 2.0OLS”

  1. Anonymous says:

    It is terrific that Ismael is actively promoting Office 2.0 and also nice that you are using solutions as proof-points. I am biased but have used many of the Office 2.0 solutions and they are ready for prime time. I use Projity’s Project-ON-Demand (I am with the company to be clear) and also ThinkFree’s Office. I get word processing, spreadsheets, presentation and project management all in my browser. Once again, I am with Projity but the point remains….. the Office 2.0 movement has mature solutions that can replace the old Microsoft desktop lock…. just wanted to add my comments. Great post

  2. Brian Solis says:

    Thank you for the encouragement. I’ll take a look at Projity as well. Send the details to pr2point0[at]gmail[dot]com.

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