Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: geoff+livingston

The Wall Street Journal Recommends Now is Gone

Co-Author, and very good friend, Geoff Livingston, emailed with great news. Now is Gone is listed in The Wall Street Journal as a resource for businesses looking to understand and embrace Social Media as an extension to their corporate marketing initiatives. Congratulations Geoff…I think we’re truly contributing something very useful to the community. At the very least, and ideally, it’s all we hoped for…to be regarded by those we want to help as a resource for them. Thank you to…

Now is Gone is “Now” an Award Winning Book

What a surprising and incredible way to end an unbelievably tumultuous week. Good friend and co-author Geoff Livingston and I were informed that our book, Now is Gone, was awarded Silver in Axiom’s 2008 Business Book Awards. We tied Linda VandeVrede’s book, Press Releases Are Not a PR Strategy, in the Advertising/Marketing/PR/Event Planning category. More than 400 books were judged for the awards, and a little more than a 100 won medals. The official awards ceremony is in New York…

The Art of Letting Go: Now Is Gone Podcast Series #3

On the heels of the official book release, Geoff Livingston and I continue our podcast series discussing the seven principles of community engagement uncovered in Now is Gone. Message control is the antithesis of social media, which enables people to communicate The video “The Break-Up” serves as the ideal example of this culture clash (just replace the word “Advertising” on his shirt with “Public Relations” and play along Companies will lose their customer relationships if they don’t learn how to…

Participation Is Marketing: Now Is Gone Podcast Series #2

As the official Social Media Release from Bartelby Press hitting the streets today, so does part two of our podcast series discussing the seven principles of community engagement uncovered in the upcoming book, Now is Gone. In the “Participation Is Marketing” podcast we discuss: Most companies make the mistake of assuming that merely publishing blog posts is all they need to do to “participate.” Participation requires a shift from organizational-centric based communications to customer or community-centric communications – Think Customer…

Now is Gone Podcast Series #1 – Audience Versus Community

Only 14 days until the release of Now is Gone and to get things rolling, Geoff Livingston and I are recording a series of weekly podcasts to discuss the seven principles of community engagement uncovered in the book. The book is available for pre-orders at You can download Podcast #1 here or stream it from the Now is Gone blog. Podcast #1 – Audiences versus Communities – One-way communications to audiences versus two-way conversational marketing within communities – The…

Now is Gone on; Pre-orders Open

I’m happy to announce that Now is Gone is on and is available for pre-orders. Now Is Gone – A Primer on New Media for Executives and Entrepreneurs, explores how New Media (and Social Media) are forcing the evolution of PR through a rich set of meaningful interviews, case studies, and comprehensive discussions. In the past, my approach to discussing New PR and Social Media has been focused on the blogosphere. I realized however, that if I wanted to…

Now is Gone Book Cover Ready to Print

Just wanted to share the good news that the cover for Now is Gone was finalized and is ready to go. It should be listed on Amazon soon. Thanks again to Geoff Livingston for including me in the development of this book. Now Is Gone explores how New Media (and Social Media) are forcing the evolution of PR through a rich set of meaningful interviews, case studies, and comprehensive discussions. Connect on Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce or Facebook.

Now is Gone Set to Publish in Late October

Several months ago, good friend Geoff Livingston asked me to work with him to develop a book that helps communications professionals understand and embrace new media. Geoff’s a smart guy and probably didn’t need my help to write this book, but I welcomed the opportunity to work with him. The result is Now Is Gone – A Primer on New Media for Executives and Entrepreneurs and it’s set to hit the market in October 2007. This was a very revealing…