Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Dial M for M-Commerce: Why Now’s the Time to Swipe Right for Mobile Revenue

Dial M for M-Commerce: Why Now’s the Time to Swipe Right for Mobile Revenue

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, mobile is the first screen, not the second screen. Design and invest accordingly. Tell me if you’ve heard (or experienced) this one before… You’re in the market for a new product. You’re on your mobile and you see something in social that prompts you to go online. You hop from page to page and site to site only to become increasingly frustrated with the process because the sites are incredibly difficult… by Adobe: 41% Of Marketers Credit Digital Transformation For Market Growth by Adobe: 41% Of Marketers Credit Digital Transformation For Market Growth

“I think we are at a point where companies recognize that you can only get so far if you continue to work in old ways and use new technology in old ways,” Solis said. “This is why you see marketing departments becoming bigger than what they were yesterday. They’re becoming more of an integrated unit across the enterprise. And now we’ll start to see groups that disparately operated in the customer journey are now collaborating in the customer journey because they have to deliver this heightened experience.”

Ecommerce News nederland: eRetail Europe in teken van apps en gemak

Ecommerce News nederland: eRetail Europe in teken van apps en gemak

Analist Brian Solis van Altimeter Group sprak over generatie C, de generatie die altijd connected is en een ultieme klantervaring verwacht, simpelweg omdat ze weten dat het kan. Bijna negentig procent van deze generatie, kortom iedereen met een smartphone, is volgens hem bereid om extra te betalen voor een betere klantervaring. “Wie iets wil aanschaffen, raadpleegt eerst zijn telefoon. De gemiddelde consument kijkt 1500 keer per week op zijn mobiel en besteedt hier wekelijks ruim twintig uur aan. En of je dit nu een goede ontwikkeling vindt of niet, je mist de boot als je hier niets mee doet.”

Human-Centered CX: Uniting Stakeholders Across the Enterprise to Deliver a Relevant and Holistic Customer Experience

Human-Centered CX: Uniting Stakeholders Across the Enterprise to Deliver a Relevant and Holistic Customer Experience

Customer experience is said to be a top business priority for most companies around the world. Many experts agree that investing in CX establishes a competitive advantage against companies that prioritize the bottom line. While customer experience is a noble and important catalyst for business transformation, becoming truly customer-centric requires an introspective approach. This takes stepping back to define what customer experience really means from the customer perspective, what they truly value and also what’s primed, broken or missing to…

Forbes: Who Will Lead Digital? CEOs And Marketing Executives Are In Charge, For Now

Forbes: Who Will Lead Digital? CEOs And Marketing Executives Are In Charge, For Now

So far, digital transformation is largely led by the chief marketing officer. That’s borne out in a new study of 528 digital executives and “transformation strategists” by Altimeter, a Prophet Company, which finds more than one-third of executives (34%) say their CMOs are leading the digital charge. For 27%, the digital impetus comes right from the top — saying the CEO is in charge of digital.

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