Brian urged us to consider “Embrace” the new “Engage,” as empathetic brands who proactively listen are putting themselves in ahead. Co-creation is replacing advertiser-created messages that have been historically shoved down the consumer-throat until the messages are automatically tuned out.
Microsoft pour les PME: Quelles tendances pour définir l’entreprise du futur ?
Emergence du live streaming, prépondérance du recours au cloud ou encore accélération du réflexe mobile first. L’analyste américain Brian Solis dévoile les 26 tendances numériques 2016-2018 disruptives pour l’entreprise. Décryptage de cinq points essentiels sur lesquels les PME doivent se positionner dès maintenant.
eMarketer: Key Drivers of Digital Transformation Are Also Key Challenges
Altimeter and Phronesis Partners surveyed 528 strategists and executives in North America and Western Europe across various industries about digital transformation. Perhaps troublingly, solid majorities of respondents rated each of six potential obstacles as “challenging” or “very challenging.”
AKKA Digital Solution: La transformation digitale en 2016– les 5 tendances à retenir
« Les entreprises qui n’appréhendent pas le parcours client ne pourront jamais entrevoir le potentiel d’optimisation et d’innovation de celui-ci. » Brian Solis
I Answer Your Questions About the State of Digital Transformation
Where are companies at in their digital transformation efforts? This was the question I set out to answer in, “The 2014 State of Digital Transformation” report. After two years, it was time to check-in on the digital transformation landscape again to learn how companies are changing, what challenges they’re facing now and what opportunities they’ve uncovered. Recently, I hosted a webcast on behalf of Altimeter and Prophet to share the findings from the latest “State of Digital Transformation” report. Over…
Hootsuite: Move Over Millennials– What You Need to Know About Generation C
Back in 2012, digital analyst Brian Solis defined Generation C as the “Connected Consumer.” He pointed out that anyone who integrates technology into their daily routine, regardless of age, shares certain qualities.
“It is how people embrace technology, from social networks to smartphones to intelligent appliances, that contributes to the digital lifestyle that is now synonymous with Gen C,” he wrote.
McKinsey&Company: Our Must Reads
The 2016 State of Digital Transformation
Big role for CMOs. Are they ready?
1to1 media: Are We There Yet? A Snapshot Look at the Digital Transformation of Businesses
The data shows people are starting to do the right thing such as using customer journey maps and trying to understand the connected customer. These things show companies want to learn and change. But it’s still nascent. Most companies are still in the second or third stage, although some are beginning to spread their wings to reach the fourth or fifth stage like Sephora and Starbucks. But at the end of the day, there’s still much to learn in the organization especially around customer experience.
CMO, not CIO, leads digital transformation, says new report
A new Altimeter report said that the CMO most often leads digital transformation, while the CIO and CTO only account for 19% of these initiatives.
Acquisa: Interview mit Brian Solis– “There is an Uber in every business”
Customer Experience (CX) is a difficult process, because so many stakeholders interpret CX differently and then prioritize investments and resources accordingly. The IT-Department thinks it’s about technology. The Marketing-Department thinks it’s about omnichannel. The department customer service focuses on contact touchpoints. The Advertising-Department activates experiential events and campaigns. And the executives ask for customer data and make decisions based on narrow inputs and more so cognitive biases. I could go on and on.