Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


10 Quotes to Enrich Your Customer Experience

10 Quotes to Enrich Your Customer Experience

Mercí Thierry Spencer Transcript in French (via Google Translate): rien de tel qu’une bonne situation pour s’inspirer et partager des convictions autour de soi je vous propose une sélection de dix citations pour enrichir votre expérience client les gens ne se souviennent pas toujours de ce que vous dites ni même de ce que vous faites mais ils se souviennent toujours de ce que vous leur avez fait ressentir my angel ou écrivaine poétesse actrice et militante américaine ne pensais…

With Social Media Addiction, AI Algorithms, and Disinformation, the Real Social Dilemma is Ours to Solve:  Where Do We Start?

With Social Media Addiction, AI Algorithms, and Disinformation, the Real Social Dilemma is Ours to Solve: Where Do We Start?

How do we live in a world of constant distraction without giving up these digital tools that monopolize our attention, but provide value at the same time? Is it an all-or-nothing game? These are questions more people are asking as a result of the overwhelming success of the Netflix documentary The #SocialDilemma, which looks at the consequences of driving user engagement through so-called “bubble filter” algorithms, that increase utilization by showing us more of what we’re already watching, insulating us…

Entrepreneur Hosts Webinar featuring Brian Solis Interviewed by Journalist and CultureBanx CEO Kori Hale

Entrepreneur Hosts Webinar featuring Brian Solis Interviewed by Journalist and CultureBanx CEO Kori Hale

Hosted by Entrepreneur, Journalist and CultureBanx CEO Kori Hale will interview renowned keynote speaker, futurist, award-winning author, and Global Innovation Evangelist for Salesforce, Brian Solis. For nearly three decades, Solis has helped executives of leading brands and startups understand what’s happening and why, visualize future trends, and deliver the future they want to see. Covid-19 turned the world upside-down in March and businesses of all sizes were presented with never-before-seen-challenges. The way we work, sell, service and market to customers has forever changed. Six months…

Restream Features Livestreamer Brian Solis

Restream Features Livestreamer Brian Solis

Brian Solis recently launched a new live show. Popular livestreaming platform Restream featured Brian Solis in episode 17 of “Friday Lives” to talk about what it means to connected with audiences through video over the live web. The new series,“Intersections: Where Ideas and Possibility Converge,” is a new weekly series with innovator, author, speaker, musician/composer, and thinker extraordinaire, Mr. John Kao. Intersections is modeled after jazz improvisationalists, presented as a one-hour conversational jam session. Each week, we dive deep into the…

Brian Solis Featured as Star Speaker for IAA’s Global Event, Creativity4Better

Brian Solis Featured as Star Speaker for IAA’s Global Event, Creativity4Better

On October 27, 2020, Brian Solis will be the “star” keynote the IAA Global Creativity4Better conference on the topic “Brands: The Engine for Economic Revival. Other exceptional keynote speakers include: Maher Nasser, Director of DGC’s Outreach Division, United Nations Lisa Friedrich, Head of SMB Europe, TikTok Michelle Klein, Vice President, Global Customer Marketing, Facebook Gabor George Burt, Global Authority on Creative Transformation, Founder of Slingshot Framework Please register here.

Brian Solis Keynotes Dircom Mandarin in España to Great Accolades

Brian Solis Keynotes Dircom Mandarin in España to Great Accolades

Dircom Mandarin featured Brian Solis for its keynote in September 2020. Brian focused on “Rethinking reputation” in the ‘Interim Normal’ to Excel in the Next Normal. The feedback was amazing! Your session has been amazing. You did a great job adapting your messages to our audience and we got incredibly positive feed-back. In addition, we got a record number of attendees, which shows how much you are known and appreciated in Spain . Again, please, A BIG THANK YOU FROM…

FranceSoir: La génération N: un nouveau type de consommateur transformé par la pandémie

FranceSoir: La génération N: un nouveau type de consommateur transformé par la pandémie

L’épidémie de coronavirus, accompagnée de mesures de protection sanitaires inédites, a considérablement changé les habitudes et les règles de vie en société. Aux États-Unis, pays de la société de consommation par excellence, Brian Solis a développé le concept de la génération N pour décrire un nouveau type de consommateur, complètement tourné vers le digital, né pendant la pandémie de coronavirus. Les personnes peu connectées rejoignent les générations Y et Z Brian Solis, expert en économie digitale et analyste en innovation pour Salesforce,…

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