Shortly before I joined Salesforce as the Global Innovation Evangelist, I was asked to write the forward to Vodafone Business’ report on software defined networking (SDN) and the role of trust in digital businesses. I wanted to share the foreword with you here… Introduction We live and work in an era of what I call “digital Darwinism,” when disruptive technology is rapidly evolving and so are its effects on markets and society. Over the past decade, digital transformation has emerged…
Distracted: A Modern Manual for Living a Creative, Productive, and Happy Life in the Digital Age
Somewhere along the way, we got distracted. As much as we multitask, love our devices and feel like we’re in control, deep down we know that something is off. Shortened attention spans, declines in critical thinking, lack of sleep, self-doubt and decreased creativity are just some of the effects coming to light in an age of digital distraction. It’s time to reclaim our lives. It’s time to take control. We are the first generation to deal with tech overload. All…
Not Every Voice Deserves an Audience; But You’re not Just Another Voice
My friend Damian Corbet just released a new book, “Social CEO, The: How Social Media Can Make You A Stronger Leader.” As he was developing the manuscript, he reached out to ask if I’d write the foreword. After reading his work, the answer was, “absolutely!” I asked if I could share the foreword with you here…. Not Every Voice Deserves an Audience; But You’re not Just Another Voice If you’re reading this I’m going to make a series of assumptions…
How Distractions and the Multitasking Myth Hurt Employee Productivity and Focus
Dear managers and HR professionals, today’s global health disruption is accelerating another pandemic, a digital pandemic… Work collaboration tools were supposed to help us reduce time spent on unnecessary emails. However, studies show that employees still spend an average of 209 minutes – three and a half hours – each day checking email. While that’s down from 256 minutes in 2016, it seems that collaborative apps aren’t replacing email, but simply adding yet another layer of distraction during our workday….
The COVID-19 pandemic led to a seismic shift in consumer behavior and the future of brand
The first issue of CORE Magazine published by Epsilon features some of my new research on disruption, the Novel Economy and new consumerism. I’d like to share it with you below… The Ultimate Disruption: The COVID-19 pandemic led to a seismic shift in consumer behavior As the virus swept the globe, brands changed how they inter- acted with customers due to social distancing and stay-at- home orders. Consumer perspectives about making purchases also shifted with fluctuations in the stock market, skyrocket-…
COVID-19 Gives Rise to the Novel Economy – Not Yet a New Normal
When COVID-19 started to shut down the world and rock humanity to its core, the world was left without a defense mechanism or a playbook. Suddenly, everything was thrust into disarray with organizations and leaders alike scrambling to respond, to find stability, and ensure business continuity. In my research at Salesforce, I focused on how customers (and employees) were evolving as a result of pandemic disruption and how businesses could use these real-time insights to guide organizational and digital transformation…
Giving CX Purpose: Shifting from Customer Experience to the Customer’s Experience
Customer experience is the new battleground for brands. How company’s deliver CX is either a competitive advantage or disadvantage. But, CX is so much more than how we think and talk about it, how we plan for and imagine its future, and how we invest in and support it. Perhaps it’s in how we frame it. We tend to observe it as mission critical, but we organize around it through distributed strategies across the organization. We enable disparate versions of…
The Rise of the ‘Novel Economy’ and the Three Phases to Thrive Against COVID-19 Disruption
I joined Salesforce as Global Innovation Evangelist just as the global pandemic was soaring. The world was unified in its sudden devastation and its urgency to respond to COVID-19 across multiple, critical fronts. As the innovation “evangelist” for one of the most innovative companies in the world, during a worldwide disruptive event, my work seemed inconsequential. It’s been said to never let a crisis go to waste. The only way forward was to start anew. My most pressing agenda was…
Digital transformation: Inventing the Future We Want
Karen Roby is a long-time friend and also a reporter for TechRepublic/CBS Interactive. Every now and then, we spend time together exploring the future of digital transformation and innovation. After I joined Salesforce, she invited me on her show to talk about my new areas of research and thought leadership. I wanted to share our conversation with you here. TechRepublic’s Karen Roby talked with analyst Brian Solis about the impact of COVID-19 on digital transformation. The following is an edited…
Customers Seek Experiences That Enhance Their Current State, Design Accordingly
In a world of distraction, listeners make the best experience and engagement architects. In a mobile-first world, experiences must be reimagined for the small screen. The best experiences will break the fourth wall of digital to deliver real human-to-human engagement. Like software, mobile has eaten the world. But mobile is more than a next-generation platform. Mobile is a powerful unifier. It has evolved into a digital hub for humanity, business and society. It brings us together while connecting us to…