Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Entrepreneur Hosts Webinar featuring Brian Solis Interviewed by Journalist and CultureBanx CEO Kori Hale

Entrepreneur Hosts Webinar featuring Brian Solis Interviewed by Journalist and CultureBanx CEO Kori Hale

Hosted by Entrepreneur, Journalist and CultureBanx CEO Kori Hale will interview renowned keynote speaker, futurist, award-winning author, and Global Innovation Evangelist for Salesforce, Brian Solis. For nearly three decades, Solis has helped executives of leading brands and startups understand what’s happening and why, visualize future trends, and deliver the future they want to see. Covid-19 turned the world upside-down in March and businesses of all sizes were presented with never-before-seen-challenges. The way we work, sell, service and market to customers has forever changed. Six months…

Introducing a new live video series, Intersections: Where Ideas and Possibility Converge

Introducing a new live video series, Intersections: Where Ideas and Possibility Converge

The new media world is simply incredible. It’s rich with opportunities to learn and share with platforms that make onboarding, creating, publishing and consuming content approachable by just about anyone. I’ve been blogging since about 2004, producing online videos shortly thereafter and podcasting for the last few years. It wasn’t until recently however that I started to experiment with live-streaming as a host. In development for about six months, I’m proud to announce “Intersections: Where Ideas and Possibility Converge,” a…

FranceSoir: La génération N: un nouveau type de consommateur transformé par la pandémie

FranceSoir: La génération N: un nouveau type de consommateur transformé par la pandémie

L’épidémie de coronavirus, accompagnée de mesures de protection sanitaires inédites, a considérablement changé les habitudes et les règles de vie en société. Aux États-Unis, pays de la société de consommation par excellence, Brian Solis a développé le concept de la génération N pour décrire un nouveau type de consommateur, complètement tourné vers le digital, né pendant la pandémie de coronavirus. Les personnes peu connectées rejoignent les générations Y et Z Brian Solis, expert en économie digitale et analyste en innovation pour Salesforce,…

The Content Experience Also Shapes the Customer Experience, Design Accordingly

The Content Experience Also Shapes the Customer Experience, Design Accordingly

Originally published in the Alexa blog, “Out with Content Strategy, In with Content Experience.” Did you know that 90% of smartphone users are not absolutely certain of the specific brand they want to buy when they begin looking for information online? And, 65% look for the most relevant information regardless of the company providing the information? The question for you is, where is your business in these activities? What is it that customers find about your brand, if at all,…

The Future of Retail: Inspiring Innovation In The Novel Economy

The Future of Retail: Inspiring Innovation In The Novel Economy

Since the dawn of COVID-19, brick-and-mortar retail has been thrust into yet another level of disruption. From e-commerce to mobile to social media to apps to a global pandemic, retail can’t seem to catch a break. But now, maybe they can. Consumers are now, not only increasingly digital first, they’re bound by a somatic marker that is COVID-19. The future of retail isn’t what it used to be. In this 50 minute, yes, almost one hour, conversation with Alicia Esposito…

The Rise of Digital Darwinism and the Real-world Business Drivers for Digital Transformation

The Rise of Digital Darwinism and the Real-world Business Drivers for Digital Transformation

When I had an incredible opportunity to join Salesforce as the Global Innovation Evangelist, I jumped in with both feet. Shortly before starting, I partnered with long-time friend Sandy Carter at AWS to develop a playbook that helped AWS partners accelerate their digital transformation and innovation services to then do the same for organizations around the world. This is only more important now than when I wrote it. Setting the stage to transform your business Digital transformation (DX) is shaping…

Imagining a New Era of Restaurant Experiences by Reinventing the Restaurant Industry

Imagining a New Era of Restaurant Experiences by Reinventing the Restaurant Industry

How different could the restaurant scene look in just the next handful of years? Let’s find out… Today’s customers live a connected lifestyle, more so now with a global pandemic shutting normal life down. Connected customers expect all of the conveniences and perks that come with the on-demand economy. They’re not only connected and always-on, they’re impatient, self-interested, distracted, and seeking experiences that mirror their favorite services and apps across every industry. If you opened a restaurant today, what could…

Building Trust in Digital Business

Building Trust in Digital Business

It now seems like a lifetime ago. Shortly before the onset of COVID-19 and my joining Salesforce as the Global Innovation Evangelist, I flew to London to participate in an expert panel on software defined networking (SDN) and the future of digital transformation. While digital transformation itself has been disrupted in the time since, SDN, like many enabling and mission-critical technologies are more important now than ever. I recently stumbled across unpublished material that I wanted to share with you…

Designing for Digital-First Customers: Focus on experience as a driver for breakthrough innovation

Designing for Digital-First Customers: Focus on experience as a driver for breakthrough innovation

Just months before the pandemic, I joined Comcast innovation executives, eWeek, and a host of CX experts to explore the next trends in CX and digital innovation. Following the roundtable discussion, I joined my friends at The Cube and Silicon Angle to dive deeper into conversations about shifting consumerism, the role of innovation in digital products and services and also digital experience design, as well as measuring ROE (return on experiences). Post Pandemic, the conversation seems like it happened a…

The age of tech-enabled trust

The age of tech-enabled trust

Shortly before I joined Salesforce as the Global Innovation Evangelist, I was asked to write the forward to Vodafone Business’ report on software defined networking (SDN) and the role of trust in digital businesses. I wanted to share the foreword with you here… Introduction We live and work in an era of what I call “digital Darwinism,” when disruptive technology is rapidly evolving and so are its effects on markets and society. Over the past decade, digital transformation has emerged…

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