Guest post by Katie Delahaye Paine: Follow her on Twitter | Visit her site Source There’s been a great deal of discussion of late both here and in other forums about the blurring lines between advertising and editorial and the implications for both relationship building and sales. As a measurement geek (or queen, which ever you prefer) my response is generally – who cares what you call it, focus on the results. Is what your doing selling stuff, saving money,…
Does Social Networking Impair Learning?
Source: PBCentral It is not only an interesting question for those who run rampant in the streams of the social web, it’s an intellectual voyage that unravels answers that just may hit home. According to a Stanford study, multitaskers are “suckers for irrelevancy” according to communication Professor Clifford Nass, one of the researchers whose findings are published in the Aug. 24 edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “Everything distracts them.” A group of Stanford researches found,…
Social Media News: Remember the Tortoise not the Hare
Guest post by Jennifer Leggio – Read her blog | Follow her on Twitter The recent Twitter attacks have truly shown the ugly social media. Oh, you think I am talking about the hackers, don’t you? No, not them. I’m talking about the bloggers and the tweeters. I am talking about us. There seems to be a constant race in social media. Is Twitter down? You must be first to blog about it. Is Twitter back up? You must be…
Goodbye Virtual Reality, Hello Augmented Reality
Credit: Wired If you haven’t yet heard about Augmented Reality or Web Squared, allow me to make a quick introduction. This is the next iteration of the Web and also desktop and mobile applications and is indicative of the future hybrid Web and device experience. And no, it’s not called Web 3.0. Augmented Reality joins the likes of the Semantic Web, Geo-Location, Artificial Intelligence, among many other emerging technologies in what the father of Web 2.0, Tim O’Reilly, refers to…
Facebook Changes the Game for Social Networking with New App for iPhone
Two weeks ago, Facebook submitted its completely redesigned iPhone application to Apple. Today it was released live in the App Store. As you may or may not already know, mobile Facebook users, as well as those using geo-location networks such as FourSquare and Loopt, are paving the way for the future of Social Networking. According to Facebook statistics: – There are more than 30 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices. – People that use Facebook on…
Jeremiah Owyang, Deb Schultz and Ray Wang Join Charlene Li at Altimeter Group
I first met Jeremiah Owyang online long before I officially met him in person at one of the earlier Lunch 2.0 meetups I can recall. At the time, Owyang was one of the first community managers on the social scene, working with Hitachi Data Systems to help the company tap into online conversations and also build online/offline communities around the Hitachi brand. The date you ask? September 12, 2006. Jeremiah at the Hitachi Lunch 2.0 – Photo credit: Scott Beale,…
Is This the First Credentialed Example of Live Tweeting Earning a Spot on Press Row in Sports?
The St. John’s men’s basketball organization seems to believe so… Today, St. John’s credentialed Peter Robert Casey as their official “Live Tweeter” for the 2009-10 season. Believed to be the first primarily Twitter-based blogger to earn a spot on press row anywhere, Casey will have a courtside seat to bring his brand of analysis and social media expertise to Red Storm basketball contests and the online community this next season. With more than 50,000 users, Casey is currently among the…
Gauntlet Toss or Clarion Call: Women, it’s time to step up
Guest post by Cathy Brooks: Follow her on Twitter | Read her blog Source Imagine this scenario. It’s election time and you find yourself engaged in a heated debate with someone about a particular candidate. Fairly foaming at the mouth, this individual rails on about lousy legislators. Then you find out this person is eligible to be but is not registered to vote. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m of a mind that if you don’t register to…
Size Matters: Job Seekers Measure the Size of Your Social Graph
Source Employers are seeking candidates with established relationships in social networks, complete with a portfolio of individual and career defining social content – in the form of blog posts, videos, comments, and thoughtful updates. In some cases, size matters. Electronics retailer Best Buy recently posted a job opening for Senior Manager-Emerging Media Marketing. The role was described as, “the primary lead for the Best Buy’s mobile, social, and video marketing & media efforts to drive in-store and online sales, create…
Why Authenticity Matters
Guest post by Jeremy Toeman: Follow him on Twitter | Read his blog Source There’s a blog post on MobileCrunch regarding a PR firm having their employees/interns put up fake product reviews on behalf of their clients. For the younger folk in the industry, let me make sure it’s clear that these techniques are nothing new. The difference is in today’s world the risks associated with such a move are so much higher, as you are more likely to get…