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Ever have one of those conversations with someone you care about where you’re left feeling inspired and motivated? They’re rare occurrences in my life. I can count on one hand how many people I’m lucky to know who leave me feeling this way. One recent conversation was with Jim Marous, Publisher at The Financial Brand. If you’d like to listen to that conversation, please see below or click here.
Personal Growth During Times of Digital Disruption
Digital disruption is impacting today’s worker more than ever, with sociologists believing that today’s worker will need to ‘reinvent themselves’ several times during a career in the future. While maintaining the status quo provides a temporary comfort zone, personal disruption can dramatically improve chances of finding financial, social, and emotional success. This personal transformation requires a new perspective.
In this episode, we discuss the importance of personal and professional growth with Brian Solis, digital anthropologist, global speaker and author of the new book, ‘Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Productive and Happy Life‘. Brian discusses his scientific findings, and provides insights that can help any person dissect where they are today, what could be holding them back, and how to be better positioned for long-term success and satisfaction.
You can also listen here…

Brian Solis | Author, Keynote Speaker, Futurist
Brian Solis is world-renowned digital analyst, anthropologist and futurist. He is also a sought-after keynote speaker and an 8x best-selling author. In his new book, Lifescale: How to live a more creative, productive and happy life, Brian tackles the struggles of living in a world rife with constant digital distractions. His previous books, X: The Experience When Business Meets Design and What’s the Future of Business explore the future of customer and user experience design and modernizing customer engagement in the four moments of truth.
Invite him to speak at your next event or bring him in to your organization to inspire colleagues, executives and boards of directors.
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Thank you for this conversation and also thank you for your friendship.