Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: Jim Marous

Digital Value Engineering: How to Unlock Your Organization’s Digital Value

Digital Value Engineering: How to Unlock Your Organization’s Digital Value

I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for today’s leaders to create a culture that embraces, supports, and follows through with digital transformation. How can your organization ensure this happens – and secondly, how can it unlock the full potential of said transformation? Cisco brought together some excellent thinkers to share their thoughts on how today’s leaders can create a culture that embraces, supports, and follows through with digital transformation. Please take a moment to read the contributions from…

Personal Growth During Times of Digital Disruption

Personal Growth During Times of Digital Disruption

  Have you ever had one of those late night conversations with a dear friend about life, work, and the future that you’ll never forget? My conversation with Jim Marous was just like that. I wanted to share it with you here… via The Financial Brand Digital disruption is impacting todayā€™s worker more than ever, with sociologists believing that todayā€™s worker will need to ā€˜reinvent themselvesā€™ several times during a career in the future. While maintaining the status quo provides…

Personal Innovation During Times of Digital Disruption

Personal Innovation During Times of Digital Disruption

Note: For mobile users, please subscribe to my new feed here and unsubscribe from the old Feedburner feed. Ever have one of those conversations with someone you care about where you’re left feeling inspired and motivated? They’re rare occurrences in my life. I can count on one hand how many people I’m lucky to know who leave me feeling this way. One recent conversation was withĀ Jim Marous, Publisher at The Financial Brand. If you’d like to listen to that conversation,…

Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2017

Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2017

Every year, my good friend Jim Marous organizes a “top trends and predictions in retail banking” for the annual Digital Banking Report. I do my best to support his efforts as its an important topic and it’s also a discussionĀ that applies to almost every industry. The report featuresĀ 99 global financial services leaders plusĀ me ;).Ā The crowdsourced panel includes bankers, credit union executives, industry analysts, advisors, authors and fintech followers fromĀ Asia, Africa, North America, South and Central America, Europe, the Middle East…

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