My good friend Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Junta42 content and custom publishing network, has compiled an impressive list of 47 social media and content marketing experts to share their advice and predictions for 2009. The list includes insight from renown pundits and visionaries including: Paul Bradshaw David Meerman Scott Scott Monty Sally Falkow Jason Falls Toby Bloomberg Marc Meyer Ann Handley Paul Gillin Valeria Maltoni Here’s my prediction: Brand marketers will continue to experiment with existing and emerging forms…
2009, The Year of Social Aggregation & Syndication: Scrapplet Paves the Way
I have had the privilege to help guide, mold, and launch many companies over the years. The Social Web, and its supporting community, influence the development of innovative, rich and useful applications. The socialization and metamorphosis of content creation, discovery and distribution continues to inspire and strengthen my passion for participating in its evolution. Recently, PeopleBrowsr made its Public Alpha debut to become the dashboard for your distributed social graph, starting with Twitter. Currently, I’m working with Steve Repetti on…
State of the Twittersphere – Q4 2008
HubSpot released a report based on the analysis of over 600,000 Twitter users who have utilized the company’s Twitter Grader app. The full study is free and available for download in PDF. Here are the highlights: – Twitter has about 4-5 million users, about 30% are relatively new or unengaged users – Twitter is dominated by newer users – 70% of Twitter users joined in 2008 – An estimated 5-10 thousand new accounts are opened per day – 35% of…
Fear Kills Businesses, Dead
What follows is the unedited version of my most recent post, currently live at TechCrunch. Credit: Stuant63 via Flickr It’s official. We’re in a recession. Recessions naturally inject fear and panic, which is only heightened by every discussion of market losses, layoffs, bailouts, and somber predictions. We’re only human after all; of course everything affects us personally and emotionally. Fear is not a catalyst for productivity however. With valuable advice pouring in from concerned and sympathetic entrepreneurs and proven leaders,…
Extra Extra, Read All About It! Newspapers Respond to the Social Web
Source Yes, the headline isn’t really breaking news to many of us. However, I received an interesting report this week that ties numbers to the tumultuous newspaper industry and its struggle to remain relevant, today and tomorrow. I wanted to share the numbers with you… Every year, The Bivings Group, analyzes how and to what extent America’s largest newspapers are embracing the Web. With Social Media opening the flood gates for innovation in online content creation and distribution, newspapers are…
TechCrunch Kills The Embargo, But PR Holds the Smoking Gun
Disclosure, I am a contributor to TechCrunch and I have had my fair share of embargoes broken by various reporters and bloggers over the years. In some cases, we trusted the wrong people. Credit In what is sure to come as an absolute surprise to the tech PR industry, TechCrunch proclaimed that it will no longer honor embargoes, unless they’re granted exclusivity. The move was triggered by a growing pattern of underhanded and also irresponsible behavior in the backchannels of…
Saying More with Less: A Directory of Short URL Services
Source Through brevity there’s clarity. As marketers and communicators in the era of socialized media, we’re relearning how to summarize and illustrate what we represent so that we might briefly captivate the attention of those we wish to reach. Twitter, FriendFeed, Plurk, Qik, Seesmic, 12seconds, Facebook News Feeds, and all other forms of micromedia communities prosper through a concise economy of language and forethought. It is the exchange of this richer dialog that flourishes through succinctness. This introspective and empathetic…
PeopleBrowsr Centralizes Conversations & Relationships: Introduces A Dashboard for Social Networks
Over the last several months, I’ve had the distinct pleasure and honor of working with some of the most visionary people online to develop a solution that WE, as social architects, need to stay connected, and also, centered. I’ve invested a significant portion of time and energy into the support, development, and refinement of an ambitious project led by Jodee Rich. I did so, because I believe that it is one of the most compelling and promising services for uniting…
Introducing MicroPR, A PR Resource for Journalists, Analysts and Bloggers on Twitter
In the era of the Social Web, transparency, engagement, and a commitment to authentically connect people to your story are essential principles for practicing successful and meaningful Public Relations. Concurrently, the socialization of media is creating new communities and communications channels that are empowering journalists, bloggers, analysts, as well as everyday people, to actively and passionately contribute, share, and discover the stories around us. It’s changing the information ecosystem. Media and communications professionals must stay connected and work together now…
Facebook’s Attempt to Acquire Twitter = Fail Whale
Mark Zuckerberg at Web 2.0 Expo Evan Williams at TechCrunch50 Kara Swisher has written a tremendous post on Facebook’s quiet attempt at acquiring Twitter. It inspired me to share my thoughts on the subject. During the Web 2.0 Summit, John Batelle interviewed Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg, and if you listened closely enough, it was clear that Batelle was prodding Zuckerberg to validate the rumors that Facebook was exploring the possibility of acquiring Twitter. With a teasing smile, Zuckerberg described Twitter…