Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

2009, The Year of Social Aggregation & Syndication: Scrapplet Paves the Way

I have had the privilege to help guide, mold, and launch many companies over the years. The Social Web, and its supporting community, influence the development of innovative, rich and useful applications. The socialization and metamorphosis of content creation, discovery and distribution continues to inspire and strengthen my passion for participating in its evolution.

Recently, PeopleBrowsr made its Public Alpha debut to become the dashboard for your distributed social graph, starting with Twitter. Currently, I’m working with Steve Repetti on his latest brainchild Scrapplet, an emerging canvas for aggregating and mobilizing your distributed Web profiles, brand, and content.

Scrapplet is making its debut in public BETA today.

Scrapplets are customizable online canvases that break down Social Media walls to help everyone create, consolidate, and share their Web, their way. This is especially important, now in the future, as the social Web encourages us to proactively steer and manage our personal and professional brands as well the content we produce, discover, and distribute.

Unlike everyday, do-it-yourself (DIY) Web site builders, Scrapplet is a customizable slate for centralizing social profiles, the relationships maintained across each network, as well as a showcase for ideas, thoughts, experiences, and expertise.

Here’s my Scrapplet.

It started as an application for Facebook and quickly evolved to provide seamless integration with MySpace, Twitter, FriendFeed, LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr and more. Now as a standalone Web service, Scrapplet makes it easy to drag and drop content and functionality from each network, tying distributed connections together, while creating a new kind of virtual website.

Scrapplet users can instantly add their friends, pictures, videos, music, widgets, and entire web sites to their Scrapplets to create a central HQ for sharing, updating, and communicating with friends, family and associates. Each microsite is also portable and can be placed within individual social media profiles, Web sites, blogs, and wikis, to showcase a complete, consistent experience.

At the very least, Scrapplets empower creativity and can scale with individual imagination. Each canvas offers tools and default objects to add and create news feeds, flash objects, mashups, animation, sliding panels, custom menus, special effects, and more. You can even embed Websites and third-party widgets directly on a page.

Each Scrapplet automatically generates site maps, navigation, security, search engine optimization, tracking, and also supports data portability, a privacy standard that enables users to control, import, and export personal information between trusted networks.

For those who dread the thought of creating yet another site login and profile, Scrapplet supports logins from Facebook, Google, Yahoo, AOL, OpenID, Blogger, Flickr, WordPress, LiveJournal, Verisign, MyOpenId, among others.

Scrapplet is not just only for personal use; it’s also designed for business and application development. RadWebTech is a member of the OpenAjax Alliance and CEO Repetti sits on the board of director’s of the International Data Portability organization. These themes are embodied in the framework of Scrapplet and provide an extremely robust platform for business and developers as well as providing resources for the creation, hosting, and distribution of web applications, widgets, and mashups. And, to protect owners of copyrighted material, Scrapplets include embedded source information that can be used to track, monitor, and remove unauthorized copyrighted material if necessary.

Scrapplet is free and includes personal web address and a half dozen pages ready for customization. Additional pages are available for free through point acquisition. Points can be earned by referring additional users as well as getting great ratings for pages. Free pages include limited contextual ads. Scrapplet pages and premium content are also available for purchase as is Premium and Professional non-ad memberships for as little as $2.95 per month.

Version 1 may not be intended for the masses just yet, however, the vision and mission for Scrapplet is to ultimately help everyone more effectively manage and present their distributed brand and persona, regardless of technical prowess. For those who can’t wait, just view the tutorials and explore the options and menus – everything quickly comes into focus. With a little ingenuity and creativity, you’ll find the options almost limitless for creating and sharing a more engaging and centralized online presence.

For more on Scrapplets, please visit:
Louis Gray
Robert Scoble

Related reading on PR 2.0:

Twitter Tools for Community and Communications Professionals
The Socialization of Your Personal Brand
In the Social Web, We Are All Brand Managers
The State of Social Media 2008
The Social Revolution is Our Industrial Revolution
The Essential Guide to Social Media
The Social Media Manifesto
– Introducing The Conversation Prism

Connect with me on:
Twitter, FriendFeed, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Plaxo, Plurk,, BackType, Jaiku, Social Median, or Facebook

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5 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “2009, The Year of Social Aggregation & Syndication: Scrapplet Paves the Way”

  1. Steve Repetti says:

    At this very second Scrapplet apeals to lots of folks — but certainly to the geek side of the world. Following the launch launch of Scrapplet on December 22, we have received lots of terrific feedback to help us extend the appeal to the masses. Stay tuned for the next chapter in another week or two! Thanks to all for the excitement and encouragement — more to come!

    — Steve

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  5. Chris in TN says:

    Paid Steve Repetti and Radweb Tech to create a software platform, always asked for more money, more money, more money. Nothing ever worked right. Always asked for more money. When I threatened to sue I got counter threats.

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