Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: 2009

How Twitter is Changing: A new study reveals Twitter’s new direction

2010 will be forever commemorated as the year Twitter matured from a cool but undecided teenager into a more confident and assertive young adult. While there’s still much room to mature and develop, Twitter’s new direction is crystallizing. With a new look, Dick Costolo as the new CEO, and an oversold new advertising platform, Twitter is growing into something not yet fully identifiable, but formidable nonetheless. At a minimum, Twitter is an extension of each one of us. It feeds…

The Most Influential Conversations on Twitter in 2009

What follows is the unabridged version of my current post on Mashable, “Twitter’s Most Influential Topics of 2009.” As we ring in the New Year and usher in twenty ten, let’s take a moment to reflect on the topics that defined the real-time stream in Twitter. Twitter recently published a Top 2009 Trends list which essentially symbolized a digital microcosm of culture and conversations throughout the year. In many cases, Twitter served as the “wire,” connecting us to stories and…

Facebook Top Trends of 2009

Contrary to popular belief, Twitter wasn’t the only story of 2009. Facebook skyrocketed to over 350 millions users in 2009 and continued its rise to global pervasiveness becoming one of the top visited sites on the Web. As aspiring digital anthropologists and sociologists, we thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the trending topics readily available for review and analysis on Twitter. On Twitter, trends are defined and shaped by the shared interests published in the form of status updates that suddenly congregate…

Top Twitter Trends of 2009

Now that Twitter employs a Chief Scientist, we will benefit from the ongoing interpretation and publishing of Twitter behavior and activity to better understand how Twitter is constantly evolving. In a discussion with Robert Scoble recently, I suggested that Twitter also consider hiring a digital anthropologist or sociologist, to not only analyze and comprehend data, but also effectively observe cultures and shifts within this burgeoning online society in order to participate in and ultimately shape its transformation. As shared in…

2009: A Few of My Favorite Things

What follows is a repost of my contribution to Intel’s Inside Scoop blog. As an Intel Insider, I advise the company on new media as well as share my thoughts and views on tech… CES 2010 is the next stop for all gadget lovers and technologists. In many ways, the holidays and the slower pace that ensues serve as an excuse to recharge so that we may effectively travel the miles of booths featuring new electronics, tech, and consumer products….

The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part III

Source: Shutterstock What comes around goes around and as we close the chapter on 2009 a new chapter that documents our direction and experiences is already unfolding. Revisiting the stories, lessons, vision that helped get you where you are today may help you surpass not only your expectations, but those of your peers, customers, prospects, and influencers as well. The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part III 1. Significant 2. Reviving the Traditional Press Release 3. This is Not a Sponsored…

The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part II

Source: Shutterstock The look at some of my most revered thoughts, observations, experiences and lessons continues in Part II of this ongoing “best of 2009” series. I’ve selected these posts as I believe they still not only have value today, but will continue to guide you in the new year. Part I is available here. Greatest Hits of 2009, Part II: 1. Micro Disruption Theory and The Social Effect 2. The Conversation Prism v2.0 3. Video Interview: How to Build…

2009 PR People Awards: PR Blogger of the Year

On December 1st, 2009 PRNews hosted its 2009 PR Awards honoring those who have made a substantial and resonating impact in the world of new and evolving Public Relations. According to the latest issue that details the awards as well as the winners: Much like corporate America, PR is undergoing a sea change in how it does business. As traditional media shrinks and online/social media grows, a new breed of PR professionals is coming into its own. And although the…

Some Things are Worth Repeating: The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part I

Source: Shutterstock In the world of reruns, there’s a saying, if you’ve never seen it, then it’s new to you. As we near the end of 2009, I wanted to share with you some of the posts that I believe will help you as you tackle challenges, opportunities, and set the stage for innovation and growth in 2010. Even if you read the original posts when they initially hit the Web, chances are that their lessons, experiences, and insights still…

Our Journey Defines Our Future in Social Media

Source: ShutterStock What follows is my opening address to the Social Media World Forum… As we look ahead to 2010 in the world of social media, we should first stop to appreciate how far we’ve come in this journey to new found relevance and presence. Social media served as a great equalizer. The technology and the corresponding networks that freely connected us, democratized the ability to publish and share content, weave more meaningful relationships, as well reset the ecosystem for…

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