Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Some Things are Worth Repeating: The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part I

Source: Shutterstock

In the world of reruns, there’s a saying, if you’ve never seen it, then it’s new to you.

As we near the end of 2009, I wanted to share with you some of the posts that I believe will help you as you tackle challenges, opportunities, and set the stage for innovation and growth in 2010.

Even if you read the original posts when they initially hit the Web, chances are that their lessons, experiences, and insights still apply today – perhaps more so.  The rate of innovation and insight shared online is blinding and overwhelming. Sometimes a refresher is all we need to push things forward. Remember, the price of personal and professional relevance is directly related to the cost of the investment in your education, learning, and experience.

Greatest Hits of 2009, Part I:

1. The Poetry of Social Networking to Court Customers and Invest in Relationships

2. Is Twitter a Viable Conversation Platform?

3. Make Tweet Love – Top Tips for Building Twitter Relationships

4. The Ties that Bind Us – Visualizing Relationships on Twitter and Social Networks

5. I Like You: The Emerging Culture of Micro Acts of Appreciation with Macro Impact

6. Social Networks Now More Popular than Email; Facebook Surpasses MySpace

7. Are Blogs Losing Their Authority To The Statusphere?

8. In the Statusphere, A.D.D. Creates Opportunities for Collaboration and Education

9. The Human Network: The Social Economy is Influenced by How We Communicate Online and Offline

10. Twitter and Social Networks Usher in a New Era of Social CRM

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15 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “Some Things are Worth Repeating: The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part I”

  1. martinedorval says:

    Congratulation for this good idea to present a post review of 2009. It seems to be a chronological classification. Could you give an idea of the most viewed and the mos comment ? I am interested to know what subjects interested the most you readers ? Thanks

    • briansolis says:

      Hi martine, I don't have that info readily available because I switched from Blogger to WordPress in 2009. But, the posts in this series were among the most discussed on Twitter, the blog, and in Facebook.

  2. martinedorval says:

    Congratulation for this good idea to present a post review of 2009. It seems to be a chronological classification. Could you give an idea of the most viewed and the mos comment ? I am interested to know what subjects interested the most you readers ? Thanks

  3. briansolis says:

    Hi martine, I don't have that info readily available because I switched from Blogger to WordPress in 2009. But, the posts in this series were among the most discussed on Twitter, the blog, and in Facebook.

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