Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: language

Twitter Traffic Surges to 10 Million: The Demographics Driving the Growth

Twitter continues to defy all those who question its relevance. Exploding from 6 million visitors at the beginning of the year, ComScore released its latest numbers that portray an almost vertical ascent through the end of February 2009, hitting an astonishing 10 million worldwide. Perhaps more interestingly, is the demographics that are fueling the groundswell. According to ComScore, the majority of visitors around the world were 35 years old or older, which match Nielsen’s assessment of those groups representing the…

Introducing MediaOnTwitter: Extending MicroPR to Improve Collaboration on Twitter

Last year, Stowe Boyd and I, in development with Christopher Peri, introduced MicroPR, an online service for Twitter that connects reporters, bloggers, event organizers, authors, among others, to PR representatives when they need help sourcing content or connecting with experts in Twitter time. To date, MicroPR is followed by over 5,000 communications and marketing professionals. MicroPR extends a tweet beyond the existing followers of the person asking for help to include those following the decicated PR channel. It amplifies the…

The Decline of Newspaper Revenue and the Promise of the Human Network

It’s not news that newspaper revenue derived from advertising and subscriptions is rapidly eroding. While Madison Avenue worries about the recession and its impact on advertising in general, numbers recently published by the Newspaper Association of America indicate online advertising only continues to rise. Perhaps most interesting is the impending intersection between the decline of a 200 year old institution and a new medium competing for the same precious ad dollars for only the last 15 years. According to this…

Frank Gruber on Putting the Public Back in Public Relations

Credit My good friend, Frank Gruber is one of the hardest working bloggers and new media professionals I know. By day, he’s a product strategist for AOL in the social networking group. His focus is on lifestreaming products, including AIM, Bebo and SocialThing. Frank Gruber is also a well known blogger focused on sharing his Web product expertise and analysis on Web 2.0, social media and emerging technologies in articles and videos online. His works have been featured in TechCrunch,…

Learn the Language of Twitter

Source Twitter has sparked its own ecosystem as it continues to rapidly emerge as a viable platform for online conversations, rivaling Facebook News Feeds for attention and interaction. A group of helpful individuals launched Twictionary, a dictionary and/or translator, to help new tweeters and tweeps embrace and master the language powering the popular micro community and its underlying culture. Power Twitter users and those well versed in the language of the Twitterverse are also welcome to freely contribute their knowledge…

Perception is Everything

It’s not just about what you want me to think, it’s about what I hear and in turn, share with others. You can help shape my perception and perhaps, even influence it, but my perception is defined by my experiences, thoughts, beliefs, predispositions, and personal agenda. Tell me again why I should listen to you? Connect with me on Twitter, Jaiku, LinkedIn, Pownce, Plaxo, FriendFeed, or Facebook.

How Should I Read This? Is This the Future of Social Media Marketing?

Dear Brain solis, (Yes, notice the typo. I’m a smart guy, but I haven’t flirted with changing my name yet.) XXXX provides holistic and synergistic blend of traditional online marketing and emerging social media based buzz marketing (wait, is that one sentence? And, is this a new category, Emerging Social Media Based Buzz Marketing?!), to help its clients derive maximum value from their marketing dollars. For example, our understanding of the key words for any client will be useful not…

Keep on Rocking in the Free World – Why I Blog

For the past year 18 months, I’ve been part of the Social Media Collective, a group of forward-thinkers sharing their thoughts, ideas, vision and observations on the rapidly evolving New Media and Social Media landscapes. The community is simply called, SocialMediaToday and it’s a tremendous resource for veterans and emerging professionals alike. Co-Founders Jerry Bowles of Enterprise Web 2.0 and Robin Fray Carey of Carey Publishing Group have done a wonderful job of aggregating great voices into one action-packed place…

Alltop Aggregates Influential Voices Across the Web

  I was alerted earlier by good friend Todd Defren, that I have been included in the Alltop index of top sites on the Web. Wow, thank you! I don’t know what to say. It’s a pretty incredible group of voices and I’m more than flattered to be included. So, allow me to officially introduce Guy Kawasaki‘s latest startup, Alltop. Guy at last year’s Gnomedex Like POPURLs, Alltop aggregates stories from “all the top” sites on the Web. They’ve grouped…

THE SEMMYS Recognize The Social Media Manifesto

I guess I must have been running a bit too fast lately, because I missed the fact that “The Social Media Manifesto, The Future of Corporate Communications,” made the finals for THE SEMMYS. Had I known, I would have asked for your help during the voting process 😉 THE SEMMYS tracks and ranks the year’s best posts in search engine marketing. Quite honestly, I was happy to be included in the finals. The manifesto finished as a runner up to…

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