Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Keep on Rocking in the Free World – Why I Blog

For the past year 18 months, I’ve been part of the Social Media Collective, a group of forward-thinkers sharing their thoughts, ideas, vision and observations on the rapidly evolving New Media and Social Media landscapes. The community is simply called, SocialMediaToday and it’s a tremendous resource for veterans and emerging professionals alike.

Co-Founders Jerry Bowles of Enterprise Web 2.0 and Robin Fray Carey of Carey Publishing Group have done a wonderful job of aggregating great voices into one action-packed place for everyone to share and learn together.

I’d like to personally thank them for selecting me as their “Blogger of the Week.”

Bowles and Carey have also created an online channel of influential voices who focus on business owners and Managers, MyVenturePad.

I was asked to share my thoughts on why I blog…

Blogging for me is a labor of love. I’ve never really had the knack for writing shorter posts. Most of my articles evolve into essays and usually consume a significant amount of time, passion, and research, in order to capture a topic that appeals to readers of different levels.

Whether we realize it or not, every post becomes a permanent record in the library of content, aka the WWW, people visit and refer to every second of the day. I’ve been writing about how the Web would force marketing to evolve, adding new layers of influencers and also tools, philosophies, strategies, and sociologies in order to reach them since the mid 90s. I’ve lived high tech PR even longer. Blogging for me, was simply an extension of this work, but I still contribute traditional print articles to this day.

Professionally, I’ve always had people in my life who inspired and motivated me. Most of the time however, I was on my own to learn and explore the new marketing landscape. Since then, I’ve committed myself to helping people who need resources using the channels that reach them, blogs, ebooks, essays, and educational books. And, I’m just one of the many voices out there.

With every day that passes, more people turn to blogs and the web for information. Expect to see even more from me over time.

Connect with me on Twitter, Jaiku, LinkedIn, Pownce, Plaxo, FriendFeed, or Facebook.

6 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “Keep on Rocking in the Free World – Why I Blog”

  1. Paul says:

    Congrats and well deserved. Your posts are consistently among the best that I find on the topic of PR and social media…there’s just too frigging long! I’ve got a backlog of three of your posts that I haven’t gotten to because I just can’t commit the time to them 🙂

  2. Jeremy Toeman says:

    Congrats Brian!

  3. Brian Solis says:

    @Paul, thank you!…hey, this one was short 😉

    @Jeremy, hey…thank you!

  4. Mike says:

    Thanks for all your work, Brian. Your site is one of my favorite reads on the Web.

    (And thanks again for ditching the white-text-on-black motif!)

  5. Connie Bensen says:

    Thanks for inspiring me to go fill out my profile at Social Media Today!

    I joined in Dec when it was new.

    Thanks for all that you do for the community!

  6. Brian Solis says:

    Mike, I appreciate the kind words. And, stay tuned for an even better design 🙂

    Connie, you rock!

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