Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: digital disruption

Top Futurist Keynote Speaker Brian Solis – The Future Happens to Us or Because of Us

Top Futurist Keynote Speaker Brian Solis – The Future Happens to Us or Because of Us

We’re living in a very disruptive time. Digital disruption is all around us. It’s happening to us and because of us. So my message today is really about a choice. You have a choice as to what role you want to play in the future of the digital economy. Do you want to shape it? Or do you want to be affected by it? It’s a matter of “adapt or die.” All of the disruptive technology that’s happening in the…

Banking Transformed Podcast Features Brian Solis Talking about how his “Lifescale” Concepts Can Transform Organizations

Banking Transformed Podcast Features Brian Solis Talking about how his “Lifescale” Concepts Can Transform Organizations

  Solis appeared recently on the Banking Transformed Podcast, hosted by Jim Marcus, which runs on The Financial Brand Platform. The title of the introductory article preceding the podcast recording is “Personal Growth During Times of Digital Disruption. Digital disruption is impacting today’s worker more than ever, with sociologists believing that today’s worker will need to ‘reinvent themselves’ several times during a career in the future. While maintaining the status quo provides a temporary comfort zone, personal disruption can dramatically…

Singularity University Invites Brian Solis to Share His Thoughts on Why We Need to Celebrate Ideas, Ideation and Innovation

Singularity University Invites Brian Solis to Share His Thoughts on Why We Need to Celebrate Ideas, Ideation and Innovation

In an article by Solis on the Singularity University site called “Ideas are Denied by the Dozen: Why We Need To Celebrate Ideas, Ideation and Innovation to Succeed,” he discusses the unfortunate mindset of incrementalism that gets in the way of truly moving forward towards using new business models. He starts with a scenario that begins, “I tried to be innovative, but I got stuck in meetings all day. I tried to think creatively, but I had to catch up…

Brian Solis Has an Illuminating Discussion About Digital Transformation with Jon Reed of Diginomica

Brian Solis Has an Illuminating Discussion About Digital Transformation with Jon Reed of Diginomica

In an article called “Business as usual is overhyped – revisiting my digital transformation debate with Brian Solis,” Jon Reed of Diginomica engages in a dynamic debate with Solis about digital transformation. He summarizes before he launches into the compelling email banter about the issue: “The debate about digital transformation hype matters. Customers need to see through the vendor hyperbole – and determine the best response. Time to share road lessons – and more data from Brian Solis.” The source…

Customer Experience Network: Pioneering Connected Customer Experiences is at the Heart of Digital Transformation

Customer Experience Network: Pioneering Connected Customer Experiences is at the Heart of Digital Transformation

We live in a time of digital Darwinism, an era when technology and its impact on business and society is constant with varying, but inevitable, degrees of disruption. The thing about digital Darwinism is that it plays out differently in the case of each industry and each organisation. It’s less about the origin of the species and more about its fate as digital Darwinism is enlivened through changes in people (your customers, employees and stakeholders) and how markets are advancing as a result. Survival takes an intentional, informed effort to drive business evolution and modernization. But to thrive, takes something more.

Disrupt or Be Disrupted: Welcome To The Disruption Revolution

Disrupt or Be Disrupted: Welcome To The Disruption Revolution

Sometime toward the end of last year, I spent some time with David Passiak (@Passiak), author of Red Bull to Buddha: Innovation and the Search for Wisdom. At the time, he was leading an ambitious project to connect over 20 innovators in the tech startup world and share their perspectives in one, free, book…Disruption Revolution: Innovation, entrepreneurship and the new rules of leadership. The book takes a case study, thematic approach that moves beyond buzzwords and industry jargon [thank goodness]…