Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: digital darwinism

ZDNet Includes Quote by Brian Solis on His Concept of Digital Darwinism and Driving Innovation in a Post Cover-19 World

ZDNet Includes Quote by Brian Solis on His Concept of Digital Darwinism and Driving Innovation in a Post Cover-19 World

Chief Digital Evangelist at Salesforce Vala Afshar is exploring the seven principles of flow with colleague Henry King on ZDNet. In this installment Afshar and King share a quote by Brian Solis In short, despite the immediate and very real health and economic crisis accompanying the virus, we expect a technological Cambrian explosion of sorts to be either accelerated or generated by it. As our Salesforce colleague and global innovation evangelist Brian Solis puts it:  “We are looking at a future…

The Drum: Tips to help brands excel in 2020

The Drum: Tips to help brands excel in 2020

The Drum aims to help readers demystify marketing disruption through expert insights. A recent article on helping brands excel in 2020 featured Brian Solis’ premise of “Digital Darwinism” and its impact on market evolution. “Each business is a victim of Digital Darwinism, the evolution of consumer behaviour when society and technology evolve faster than the ability to exploit it. Digital Darwinism does not discriminate. Every business is threatened.” …so says Brian Solis, a thought leader in the area of social…

Top Futurist Speaker, Brian Solis Can Help Your Audience Win the Innovation Game

Top Futurist Speaker, Brian Solis Can Help Your Audience Win the Innovation Game

We live in an era of what leading digital anthropologist, futurist and best-selling author Brian Solis coined as #DigitalDarwinism. These are disruptive times and they challenge everyone…leaders and executives, employees, customers, and partners…the list goes on. Brian has dedicated his career to understanding digital disruption, predicting trends and helping leaders shape the future they want to see. As a world-renowned keynote speaker, Brian also has a unique gift of humanizing digital trends to make transformation and innovation meaningful and even inspiring. He’s…

Brian Solis Interviews Former North American EVP & CMO of Nestle Waters About Using Technology to Better Understand Their Customer Journey

Brian Solis Interviews Former North American EVP & CMO of Nestle Waters About Using Technology to Better Understand Their Customer Journey

In a article by Jacqueline Dooley called “How Nestle Waters uses marketing technology to drive growth, the author draws on an interview Solis did with Antonio Sciuto, the former North American EVP & CMO of Nestle Waters. In the interview, he explains some of the ways NW was using technology to better understand their customer journey at that time. The interview grew out of research that Solis’ firm Altimeter did on Digital Darwinism, which revealed that the most digitally…

Themediaonline Article on Client/Agency Relationships References Brian Solis’ “Digital Darwinism”

Themediaonline Article on Client/Agency Relationships References Brian Solis’ “Digital Darwinism”

In an article on Themediaonline by Herman Degener titled, “We need to like you: why client/agency relationships matter,” the author makes reference to Solis’ concept of “digital Darwinism.” He mentions it after discussing the premise of the article in a question: “Just how relevant, or valid, is the client-agency relationship these days?” Degener writes: “There’s a saying that Brian Solis coined called digital-Darwinism, it’s when technology and society evolves faster than humans. Scary, I know. But similar to how we…

Brian Solis’ Keynote at PegaWorld 2019: The Humanization of CX In an Era of AI

Brian Solis’ Keynote at PegaWorld 2019: The Humanization of CX In an Era of AI

“Pegasystems at PegaWorld showed their evolution toward the customer-facing emotional and behavioral by bringing uber-thought leader Brian Solis to keynote on the connected customer and customer experience. This signified a real evolution in Pega’s thinking yet, if you looked at their case studies and listened to the messaging, it was clear that they hadn’t forgotten their roots in BPM.” – Paul Greenberg, ZDNet In a keynote at PegaWorld 2019, Solis – billed on their site as a “leading digital anthropologist,…

Brian Solis Shares 5 Laws of Resilient Innovation via Singularity U

Brian Solis Shares 5 Laws of Resilient Innovation via Singularity U

Reflective of its title “5 Laws of Resilient Innovation,” an article posted on the Singularity University site, Brian Solis shares his observation of trends and best practices that help businesses explore ways forward. Solis starts the piece talking about his concept of Digital Darwinism and why in this current world, companies need to adapt…or die. “Right now,” he writes, “there are new breeds of investors, startups, competitors, and operating models with the sole purpose of exploiting vulnerabilities. In themselves, this…

11 Trends To Help Brands Compete Against Digital Darwinism

11 Trends To Help Brands Compete Against Digital Darwinism

My friend Alison DeNisco Rayome is Senior Editor at TechRepublic. We recently talked about how progressive retailers are leading digital transformation. I wanted to share our conversation with you here as I feel the ideas (and links) can help any organization thrive in an era of digital Darwinism! TechRepublic: Generally speaking, where would you say most companies stand in terms of digital transformation efforts right now? Brian Solis: I’m recently published the 2018-2019 State of Digital Transformationand its surprising how…

The Future of Business is Under Construction and You are Its Architect

The Future of Business is Under Construction and You are Its Architect

WTF? What’s the future…? Disruptive technologies are hailed as catalysts for business transformation. But they are merely enablers for defining a new genre of market relevance and leadership. Among the subjects of disruption, how we work, market, sell, and serve requires nothing less than remodeling and in many cases, complete redesign. The reality is that the future of business is always under construction. Yet, the state of business as usual is still pervasive and very much rooted in the past….

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