Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: change agent

CNN Türk: Şirketteki değişimi siz başlatın – You ignite the change within the company

CNN Türk: Şirketteki değişimi siz başlatın – You ignite the change within the company

I’m not sure how I missed this story, but wow! CNN Türk covered the release of one of my favorite research reports I published as a Principal Analyst, “The Digital Change Agent’s Manifesto.” The research was conducted over years of studying digital transformation at companies including Coca-Cola, NFL, Starbucks, and Visa. The result was a guide to help digital executives find a path to gain support from the C-Suite and lead total transformation. Re-reading the report, the insights serve as…

The Digital Change Agent’s Manifesto How the People Behind Digital Transformation Lead Change From Within

The Digital Change Agent’s Manifesto How the People Behind Digital Transformation Lead Change From Within

Several years ago, I published research that I believe is actually more meaningful today. In a post-pandemic world where every company is accelerating digital transformation, executives cannot miss the opportunity to transform their business for a new economy. “Leaders must reassess how digital technologies and information can create new customer value. The alternative is to try to succeed in a digital economy with a pre-digital value proposition.” – Jeanne Ross, organizational theorist, principal research scientist at MIT Sloan School of…

The Escalating Dilemma of Executive Out-of-Touchness

The Escalating Dilemma of Executive Out-of-Touchness

A few years ago, my dear friend Stowe Boyd reached out to ask an important question in regards to future of work and business transformation. His goal was to cast the light directly on the (r)evolution lead by those who want change within the organization and also expose (and inspire) those who don’t. It’s a subject I’ve extensively studied over the years. In fact, I recently published “The Digital Change Agent’s Manifesto” to help those fighting for change learn the…

The Digital Change Agent’s Manifesto; Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders from Within

The Digital Change Agent’s Manifesto; Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders from Within

In a world where digital technology is evolving faster than organizations can adapt, it’s no secret that companies are investing in digital transformation and corporate innovation. But who is leading the charge? Often, it’s the individuals who share a deep expertise and passion for digital. And while these “digital change agents” are striving to bring change from within their respective group in the organization, they aren’t necessarily seasoned or trained at navigating the cultural dynamics that drive change throughout an…

Digital Transformation 101

Digital Transformation 101

Digital transformation is an essential topic at leading technology publications these days. One such outlet, TechRepublic, is a favorite of mine. I spent time with Olivia Krauth on the subject and I wanted to share our conversation with you here. It serves as a solid foundation for taking digital transformation beyond IT and into a business performance enablement role across the enterprise. Generally, what does it mean to digitally transform? The definition of digital transformation has expanded to cover everything…

Dear executives, find and empower your change agents, innovators and intraprenuers

Dear executives, find and empower your change agents, innovators and intraprenuers

I’ve spent the better part of 20 years studying innovation and specifically, the past several years studying the people behind digital transformation. One universal truth I’ve found time and time again is that, in the face of disruption, the most meaningful and lasting change is always human. But, that spark, vision, or drive to change doesn’t always come from the top. Many times, there are those unsung heroes who feel, see or know at their very core, what needs to…

Through a Research Lens: What Captured My Attention in 2018 and What’s in My Purview for 2019

Through a Research Lens: What Captured My Attention in 2018 and What’s in My Purview for 2019

Prophet’s Emily Schreck recently interviewed the Altimeter analysts to spotlight some of the things that we never get a chance to share, such as what we’re working on, what has our attention and what’s on the horizon. Schreck’s piece is now live. This year has been a whirlwind for Altimeter’s famed analysts; Charlene Li, Brian Solis, Susan Etlinger and Omar Akhtar. The team has published several new research reports, presented keynote speeches at top global industry conferences, and helped some…

The Importance of Experience Design and the Future of Brand

The Importance of Experience Design and the Future of Brand

Customers today are accidental narcissists. Tomorrow is an entirely new game brands, CX strategists and marketers. Disruption is a gift either given to you or by you. Knowing this, we are still making mistakes in creating meanignful experiences to a new generation of connected, impatient and demanding customers. We get stuck in legacy thinking, playbooks and metrics rather than innovate and disrupt to fully capitalize on new digital opportunities. Following my presentation at Adobe Summit, I had the opportunity to…

The Biggest Mistakes Companies Make in Digital Transformation and Innovation

The Biggest Mistakes Companies Make in Digital Transformation and Innovation

Jeff Ashcroft is a dear friend of mine. He’s the host of the popular #MMChat on Twitter every week where he hosts some of the most progressive conversational streams on business modernization and innovation. Recently, he invited me to share my the story behind my latest research, “The Digital Change Agent’s Manifesto: How the People Behind Digital Transformation Lead Change From Within.” In a flurry of 140-280 character questions and answers, I set out to help “change agents” understand not only…

Great Customer Experiences an Upgrade to Executive and Management Mindsets

Great Customer Experiences an Upgrade to Executive and Management Mindsets

It’s a new year and not necessarily another step forward. This isn’t the first time I’ve used this profound picture by Banksy as inspired by Meek. It always inspires me to spread my wings as a change agent. In my research, I find time and time again that digital transformation and corporate innovation is spurred by customer experience. The reality is that customers, as a result of their relationship with technology and the resulting digital transformation of their personal and professional…

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