I’ve known Judith Aquino for several years now. Her work in customer experience is extensive and her connections in the space are deep. Shortly after the release of X: The Experience When Business Meets Design, I caught up with Judith to talk about the rise of experience innovation. She published our conversation in Customer Strategist, and I was able to get a downloadable PDF as well. I wanted to share our conversation with you… Solving for X: Why the Future…
Apple News Features Article by Brian Solis, ‘Five Ways To Improve Your Productivity’
In an article on Apple News that originally appeared on the Quora site, Solis explains “Five Easy Ways to Improve Your Productivity.” He starts by recounting the story that led to his writing of Lifescale. The advice he says has helped boost his productivity dramatically is: Work in Sprints. He writes, “It’s impossible to go from being easily distracted to suddenly having complete concentration all day long. You can’t fix this problem cold turkey. Instead, it’s best to take incremental…
LinkedIn Names Brian Solis to Its ’15 Business Experts to Watch’ List
Solis is listed among other business influencers on LinkedIn chosen by the site’s staff. The lead of the article states, “Nothing can match the genuine impact of fellow members and thought leaders who load up our feeds with insightful, relatable, and applicable content. You can customize this stream of information by following specific individuals with pertinence to your career path. If you’re looking for somewhere to start, we’ve compiled a list of 15 awesome B2B marketing influencers and experts that anyone…
Brian Solis Explores “Persuasive Design” In Marketing Tech News Article on Social Media Addiction
In a Marketing Tech News piece by James Bourne on social media addiction and privacy issues, Solis mentions “persuasive design” as a contributing factor in our addiction – which, the piece claims, endures despite the growing personal privacy concerns. In the “Analysis” section, the author mentions that “the gap remains between fears and actually translating it to reduced usage. He uses a quote that Solis gave to the publication in May about persuasive design: “The compulsion to endlessly scroll, to…
Brian Solis Discusses The Negative Impact Social Networks Have On Creativity at ProXXIma 2019
In a Portuguese language article by Salvador Strano about Solis’ appearance at ProXXIma 2019, he is quoted as saying “social networks have taken our creativity.” The piece talks about Solis’ journey of discovery that led to writing Lifescale and discusses his conclusion that yes, social networks influence the human brain – and not positively. Solis is quoted: “What was taken away from us was the ability to be creative the way we were. Living life on a screen makes it…
Futurist Brian Solis And Political Analyst Matthew Dowd To Deliver NAMA Show Keynote Address
(CHICAGO) January 24, 2018 — NAMA will welcome futurist Brian Solis and political analyst Matthew Dowd to share the general session stage, delivering two impactful keynote talks at The NAMA Show 2018, taking place March 21-23 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. In this new, dynamic, side-by-side format, Solis and Dowd will challenge conventional thinking and provide attendees with two distinct, but interrelated perspectives on how to navigate this period of uncertainty and accelerated change. Using insights and lessons from…
I was supposed to write about Apple’s new show ‘Planet of the Apps,’ Instead, I wrote about @GaryVee
This post started as a review of the new show on Apple Music, “Planet of the Apps.” I realized the world didn’t need another announcement or review of the show. What I will say is this, any show that aims to help entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life and also transform them into budding businesses that change the world is important. The show features Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow, will.i.am and Gary Vaynerchuk. I’ve had the privilege of working with this crew (except…
The Key to Creativity and Innovation is Empathy
Growing up in Los Angeles and living in Silicon Valley for 20-plus years has plugged me into a unique network of creativity and innovation. Although many would say that I technically live in a bubble, I have practiced the art of participation and observation to earn a balanced perspective when it comes to ideation and design. While I am surrounded by some of the most amazing minds, I am also inspired by those shaping innovation hubs. If it’s one thing I’ve learned,…
Experiences Become Brands and Great Brands Become Experiences
These days, it seems that I travel to events overseas more than in the United States. While many companies around the world believe they are behind U.S. companies, I can say that from first hand experience, any company pursuing the future of customer experience, innovation, and brand is ahead of the game…regardless of where it’s based. When I receive an invitation to present, it exemplifies, at least to me, that those attending the event are keen on learning about how to…
5 Questions Defining the State and Future of Digital Transformation
I recently presented at event in San Diego. My goal in doing so was to help attendees reframe the problems they were trying to solve and introduce new opportunities that would help them go back to work and contribute to meaningful change. I remember it being a beautiful day. The crowd was electric and more than open to new ideas. When I was done presenting, I playfully threw out that I would be outside on the patio (overlooking the San Diego Harbor)…