Note: For mobile users, please subscribe to my new feed here and unsubscribe from the old Feedburner feed. Ever have one of those conversations with someone you care about where you’re left feeling inspired and motivated? They’re rare occurrences in my life. I can count on one hand how many people I’m lucky to know who leave me feeling this way. One recent conversation was with Jim Marous, Publisher at The Financial Brand. If you’d like to listen to that conversation,…
Brian Solis’ Co-Authored Digital Culture Challenge Report Cited In The Financial Brand Article On Digital Transformation in Banking
The report “The Digital Culture Challenge: Closing the Employee Leadership Gap” from Capegemini in partnership with Solis is cited by Jim Marous, Co-Publisher of the Financial Brand and Owner/Publisher of the Digital Banking Report in his article “Culture Key to Digital Transformation Success in Banking, Not Technology.” It appeared on The Financial Brand site. According to the report, corporate culture is the culmination of how a company works and operates. It is composed of the collective experiences of employees –…
Brian Solis Shares His Views On Facebook’s Libra System and The Banking Industry On the Breaking Banks Podcast
Solis offered his opinions on Facebook’s recently announced Libray payment system and other matters related to banking as a guest on Breaking Banks – the #1 Global Fintech podcast, hosted by Brett King and Chloe James. The episode was titled “Facebook Bets on Libra.” Highlights from the discussion: “I applaud Facebook for this move. It’s something the company has been teasing about for years and which it has to do to help its growth. However, it’s the platform that…
Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2017
Every year, my good friend Jim Marous organizes a “top trends and predictions in retail banking” for the annual Digital Banking Report. I do my best to support his efforts as its an important topic and it’s also a discussion that applies to almost every industry. The report features 99 global financial services leaders plus me ;). The crowdsourced panel includes bankers, credit union executives, industry analysts, advisors, authors and fintech followers from Asia, Africa, North America, South and Central America, Europe, the Middle East…
Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2016
I’ve been spending an increasing amount of time studying the state and future of finance, banking and retail. Behind the scenes, I’ve spent time with several national and global finance companies/banks as well as several retailers all looking to understand the connected customer and their expectations and preferences when it comes to money, banking and shopping. When Jim Marous, co-publisher of The Financial Brand reached out to talk about the 2016 trends and predictions in retail banking, I was ready…