Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: Robert+scoble

On the Futurists: Apple’s Vision Pro is Definitely Going to Usher in the Era of Spatial Computing

On the Futurists: Apple’s Vision Pro is Definitely Going to Usher in the Era of Spatial Computing

If you want an opinion on Apple’s Vision Pro and the promise of Spatial Computing, you can ask any expert. You’ll get plenty of thoughts and predictions. However, if you want a perspective based on a first-hand experience of actually using the Vision Pro and immersing themselves in an alternate plane between mobile, traditional computing, and the real world, well, here you go. In this special episode of The Futurists, Brett King, Robert Tercek, Miss Metaverse, and I interview Brian…

The Futurists: The Future of Apple’s Vision Pro and Spatial Computing

The Futurists: The Future of Apple’s Vision Pro and Spatial Computing

What’s it like to wear Apple’s Vision Pro mixed reality headset? This week on The Futurists, hosts Brett King, Katie King, and Brian Solis are joined by the dynamic duo of Robert Scoble and Brian Roemmele, both highly regarded futurists as we dive into the implications of Appleā€™s Vision Pro. Roemmele was at Apple’s launch event and was one of the lucky few to experience Apple’s inaugural take on augmented reality and virtual reality. We also explore spatial computing and…

Silicon Valley Uncovered: The evolution of tech, media and its impact on society

Silicon Valley Uncovered: The evolution of tech, media and its impact on society

In 2010, my dear friendĀ Hermione Way invited me as the first-ever guest on her then new show, “Silicon Valley Uncovered” for TheNextWeb. It aired on January 18th, 2011. I share this with you because the conversation, while several years old now, is strangely better suited for today and the modern times in which we live and work. I’m not even sure how I stumbled across this interview. To be honest, I’m taken aback by how prescient and philosophical this conversation…

Facebook is Becoming a Social Operating System for Human Beings and Robots

Facebook is Becoming a Social Operating System for Human Beings and Robots

At f8 2017, Facebook aims to become your social network for reality, augmented reality and virtual realityā€¦really. In the heart of Silicon Valley, Facebook once again hosted its highly-anticipated developer conference, which, for the record, appeals to anyone who follows, designs for, or uses the worldā€™s largest social network. Drawing an estimated 4,000 attendees from all around the world, Facebookā€™s news blurred the line between reality and virtual reality and human and robot engagement for users in their personal and…

Introducing The Conversation Prism Version 3.0

If a conversation takes place online and youā€™re not there to hear it, did it really happen? On August 5, 2008 JESS3 and I introduced version 1.0 of The Conversation Prism. Today, I’m proud to announce The Conversation Prism Version 3.0. With the introduction of 3.0, our view of the social media panorama is updated and also reflective of the real world that is embracing and organizing the social Web. One of the aspects that make social media so fascinating…

On PR, Social Media and the Evolution of the Web with Robert Scoble

I recently visited good friend Robert Scoble, his lovely wife Maryam and their family in Half Moon Bay. It was an overdue trip, one without an agenda. It was a fleeting opportunity to catch up, talk a bit about the latest book, and also an excuse to have a fireside chat, literally, on the grounds of the Ritz Carlton (overlooking the 18th green and the Pacific Ocean.) Before we could walk over to the Ritz however, Scoble sat me down,…

Is Twitter The CNN Of The New Media Generation?

What follows is the unabridged version of my latest post on TechCrunch, “Is Twitter the CNN of the New Media Generation?“ This past weekend the Twitterverse spoke-out in exasperation and opposition against traditional media networks (CNN specifically) and the absence of instantaneous coverage of the Iranian election and the resulting fallout. ā€œWe the peopleā€ wanted real-time information regarding the violent protests that erupted on the streets of Iran and the stories probing potential foul play in the results. We took…

PR is Not Dead

Source Stop the presses…there’s another “PR is Dead” meme that’s circulating the blogosphere again. This time, all that’s new is that many bloggers are revealing that they prefer discovering new and interesting products on their own and breaking the news before anyone else. Welcome to the news business. Any print or broadcast news reporter would say the same thing, and honestly, it’s the competition and desire to break news first that’s driven the business for over 100 years. Did that…

Introducing The Conversation Prism

Last year, Robert Scoble and Darren Barefoot debuted the Social Media Starfish to visualize and document the rapidly evolving landscape for social tools, services, and networks. If you work in marketing, public relations, advertising, customer service, product development, or any discipline that’s motivated, shaped, and directed by customers, peers, stakeholders and influencers, monitoring and in some cases, participating in online conversations is critical in competing for the future. Over the last month, I worked with Jesse Thomas of JESS3, to…

In Blogger and Media Relations, You Earn the Relationships You Deserve

Every now and again a reporter or blogger decides to shake up the PR industry by showcasing how we FAIL, flop, or simply when we do things wrong. Some do so out of anger, others are genuine in their desire to help, while some are simply tired and do so out of spite. This time around however, Marshall Kirkpatrick of ReadWriteWeb has started a conversation that proactively helps PR and communications professionals learn how to more effectively work with influential…

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