Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Brian Solis Featured as Star Speaker for IAA’s Global Event, Creativity4Better

Brian Solis Featured as Star Speaker for IAA’s Global Event, Creativity4Better

On October 27, 2020, Brian Solis will be the “star” keynote the IAA Global Creativity4Better conference on the topic “Brands: The Engine for Economic Revival. Other exceptional keynote speakers include: Maher Nasser, Director of DGC’s Outreach Division, United Nations Lisa Friedrich, Head of SMB Europe, TikTok Michelle Klein, Vice President, Global Customer Marketing, Facebook Gabor George Burt, Global Authority on Creative Transformation, Founder of Slingshot Framework Please register here.

Brian Solis Keynotes Dircom Mandarin in España to Great Accolades

Brian Solis Keynotes Dircom Mandarin in España to Great Accolades

Dircom Mandarin featured Brian Solis for its keynote in September 2020. Brian focused on “Rethinking reputation” in the ‘Interim Normal’ to Excel in the Next Normal. The feedback was amazing! Your session has been amazing. You did a great job adapting your messages to our audience and we got incredibly positive feed-back. In addition, we got a record number of attendees, which shows how much you are known and appreciated in Spain . Again, please, A BIG THANK YOU FROM…

Introducing a new live video series, Intersections: Where Ideas and Possibility Converge

Introducing a new live video series, Intersections: Where Ideas and Possibility Converge

The new media world is simply incredible. It’s rich with opportunities to learn and share with platforms that make onboarding, creating, publishing and consuming content approachable by just about anyone. I’ve been blogging since about 2004, producing online videos shortly thereafter and podcasting for the last few years. It wasn’t until recently however that I started to experiment with live-streaming as a host. In development for about six months, I’m proud to announce “Intersections: Where Ideas and Possibility Converge,” a…

FranceSoir: La génération N: un nouveau type de consommateur transformé par la pandémie

FranceSoir: La génération N: un nouveau type de consommateur transformé par la pandémie

L’épidémie de coronavirus, accompagnée de mesures de protection sanitaires inédites, a considérablement changé les habitudes et les règles de vie en société. Aux États-Unis, pays de la société de consommation par excellence, Brian Solis a développé le concept de la génération N pour décrire un nouveau type de consommateur, complètement tourné vers le digital, né pendant la pandémie de coronavirus. Les personnes peu connectées rejoignent les générations Y et Z Brian Solis, expert en économie digitale et analyste en innovation pour Salesforce,…

The Content Experience Also Shapes the Customer Experience, Design Accordingly

The Content Experience Also Shapes the Customer Experience, Design Accordingly

Originally published in the Alexa blog, “Out with Content Strategy, In with Content Experience.” Did you know that 90% of smartphone users are not absolutely certain of the specific brand they want to buy when they begin looking for information online? And, 65% look for the most relevant information regardless of the company providing the information? The question for you is, where is your business in these activities? What is it that customers find about your brand, if at all,…

Mandarin Virtual amb Brian Solís, un dels majors experts al món en transformació digital i innovació

Mandarin Virtual amb Brian Solís, un dels majors experts al món en transformació digital i innovació

Digitalitzar-se o morir. Si alguna cosa no ha aturat la pandèmia provocada per la Covid-19 són els plans de digitalització de les empreses. Al contrari, s’està convertint en un accelerador de la transformació digital de les organitzacions. La innovació ha permès reduir part de l’impacte provocat per l’expansió del virus i mitigar alguns riscos. D’altra banda, les possibilitats del teletreball han contribuït a frenar les aturades de producció i a donar continuïtat a molts processos clau per a nombroses empreses. Per afrontar la transformació digital de la manera més efectiva…

The Future of Retail: Inspiring Innovation In The Novel Economy

The Future of Retail: Inspiring Innovation In The Novel Economy

Since the dawn of COVID-19, brick-and-mortar retail has been thrust into yet another level of disruption. From e-commerce to mobile to social media to apps to a global pandemic, retail can’t seem to catch a break. But now, maybe they can. Consumers are now, not only increasingly digital first, they’re bound by a somatic marker that is COVID-19. The future of retail isn’t what it used to be. In this 50 minute, yes, almost one hour, conversation with Alicia Esposito…

Customer Contact Week: To Transform Your Business, You Must Urgently Transform Customer Service

Customer Contact Week: To Transform Your Business, You Must Urgently Transform Customer Service

Brian Solis, Global Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce joined Lisa Griffen, SVP Enterprise Access at Thomas Jefferson University & Jefferson Health, Carolina Aramayo, SVP Contact Center Transformation, BBVA USA< and Pam Oliver Senior Correspondent and FOX NFL Reporter. The immersive and interactive digital conference includes content on business continuity planning, post COVID-19 operations, expanding digital services, and more key topics that will provide you with the tools necessary to navigate current challenges contact center and CX leaders are facing. The event…

The Rise of Digital Darwinism and the Real-world Business Drivers for Digital Transformation

The Rise of Digital Darwinism and the Real-world Business Drivers for Digital Transformation

When I had an incredible opportunity to join Salesforce as the Global Innovation Evangelist, I jumped in with both feet. Shortly before starting, I partnered with long-time friend Sandy Carter at AWS to develop a playbook that helped AWS partners accelerate their digital transformation and innovation services to then do the same for organizations around the world. This is only more important now than when I wrote it. Setting the stage to transform your business Digital transformation (DX) is shaping…

Brian Solis to Keynote IAA Creativity4Better, The Engine for Economic Revival

Brian Solis to Keynote IAA Creativity4Better, The Engine for Economic Revival

Brian Solis will keynote the IAA Global Creativity4Better conference. Brian will present his new research that documents the rise of Generation-Novel (Generation-N), an evolving cross-generational customer segment born in the era of COVID-19. He believes that understanding this psychographic customer segment will be the fuel for the engine for economic revival. Please register here.

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