by Lea Weitekamp, t3n (original) Er ist einer der einflussreichsten Digitalanalysten der Welt: Mit seinen Büchern „Engage!“ und „The End of Business As Usual“ hat Brian Solis Unternehmen die Augen dafür geöffnet, wie soziale Medien die Kundenbeziehung revolutionieren und das Marketing verändern. Bis heute erforscht er die Auswirkungen disruptiver Technologien auf unser Leben und unsere Arbeit – in Sachen Social Media ist seine Euphorie allerdings deutlich abgekühlt. Wir haben ihn in Paris getroffen. t3n Magazin: In deinem neuen Buch hast…
Media & Advertising Daily: Humanity is the Killer App Says Brian Solis
Credit: Isabelle Mathieu by Sean Hargrave via Media & Advertising Daily It’s been a fascinating few days, where the term H2H or human-to-human marketing has come up several times. Reminding marketers that despite all the tools, channel and clever codes at their disposal it’s people they are marketing to, rather than machines, seems to be a major trend at the moment. It was certainly the topic of the best couple of individual speeches I attended this week at the Adobe…
Thanks Millennials! The Digital Revolution is Only Just Beginning
Guest post by Maddie Grant (@maddiegrant) author of the new book When Millennials Take Over, exploring the digital mindset and the other three key capacities for recruiting, retaining and engaging Millennials Think about this: the Millennial generation is the first generation to NEVER know a workplace without the internet. The rest of us remember the time we got our first email address, or that time we were irritated because we weren’t part of the lucky few that were allowed…
Adobe Summit EMEA: Speak To Humans, Not Channels
by staff So many “me too” campaigns simply repeat how digital marketers seek to influence people, leaving analyst and anthropologist Brian Solis of Altimeter Group fearing we may have lost sight of the simple fact brands are dealing with people more than apps. “In a world of machines, humanity is the killer app,” he told Adobe Summit EMEA delegates. Solis believes the problem with so-called digital innovation is that marketers are developing for specific devices or screens…
JDN l’économie demain: Attention au piège des dernières tendances marketing
Nicolas Jaimes, JDN L’un des plus grands spécialistes en matière de marketing online explique comment les marques doivent appréhender ces nouveaux territoires que sont l’Apple Watch ou Snapchat. Analyste de renom chez Altimeter, Brian Solis s’exprimera le 4 juin prochain lors de Digital marketin one to one dans une keynote intitulée “Le futur du marketing n’est pas le marketing“. C’est en prévision de sa venue à cet événement, dont le JDN est partenaire, que nous l’avons interrogé. JDN. Dans votre…
The 7 Success Factors of Social Business Strategy [INFOGRAPHIC]
Over the years, my partner Charlene Li and I authored a series of research papers and also a short book on the evolution of social businesses, from philosophy to strategy to practice. Along the way, we also produced an effective maturity model and infographic that documented the six stages of social business transformation. This work would eventually pave the way toward my focus on digital transformation and innovation today. Now, after all this time however, I wanted to share the…
Brian Solis Says the Future of Marketing is screwed…Maybe
Barb Mosher Zinck writing for InsideCXM dissected a recent interview with Brian Solis. Excerpt… We are surrounded by digital transformation, both personally and professionally, but just because we see it and acknowledge that it’s happening and that we need to adjust accordingly, doesn’t mean we are (and if we are, we may not be doing it right). The focus for the column this week is how marketing and IT need to first think differently, then make the right changes…
Becoming a Thought Leader in the Digital Era
Guest post by Dorie Clark (@dorieclark) is a marketing strategist who teaches at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. She is the author the new book, Stand Out, which is now available. It’s getting harder to communicate these days. Of course, the tools and channels are more ubiquitous than ever. We can blog or podcast or share sepia-toned Instagrams or racy Snapchats or funny Vines. But is anyone actually listening? With more noise and clutter than ever before, how can…
Inc.: 20 Quotes on How Your Business Must Change by 2020
Inc. Magazine published an inspiring article by John Brandon (@jmbrandonbb) that features 20 prominent voices in the future of business and innovation including Brian Solis. He came in at number 1! 20 Quotes on How Your Business Must Change by 2020 1. “Businesses are no longer the sole creator of a brand; it is co-created by consumers through shared experiences and defined by the results of online searches and conversations.” Brian Solis 2. “I think the biggest change, and the…
When Hospitality Becomes an Art, It Loses Its Very Soul
The title is credited to Max Beerbohm, English essayist, parodist, and caricaturist best known today for his 1911 novel Zuleika Dobson. Taken from his 1918 work, Hosts and Guests, I interpret his work for a new era of hospitality. We live in a connected society now and as such, guests and the experiences they have and share, form the foundation of marketing and service. If we try to scale experiences for the sake of doing so, we miss the essence…