Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Customer Experience is the Sum of Emotional Reactions

As 2015 drew to a close, I flew to Düsseldorf from London to close out NEOCOM, an annual event for multichannel retail and commerce. There I spoke about “retail re-imagined,” redesigning the online and offline shopping experience based on the incredible technology and behavioral trends playing out now and over the next few years. Following the event, I met with the NEOCOM team to shoot a short three-minute video that I would love for you to see. Video Topics/Questions: –…

Small Business Trends: Businesses Should Create Experiences, Not Just Products or Services

via Small Business Trends, Brent Leary Brian Solis is one of the leading futurists/digital anthropologists in business today.  And his books, “The End of Business as Usual” and “What’s the Future of Business” are best sellers and required reading to anyone interested in digital transformation.  And his new book, “X: The Experience when Business Meets Design“ is probably his most ambitious — and impressive — book, focusing on the importance of experienced design and the role it will play in business…

Direct Marketing – Does Twitter Have a Future as a Marketing Medium?

by Al Urbanski, Senior Editor, Direct Marketing Excerpt Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s blog post this week heralding the end of the 140-character limit on tweets was met with surprise and consternation from most quarters. Isn’t the succinct electronic message the thing that defines Twitter? Perhaps, but it does nothing to define what need the network filled for marketers overwhelmed with choices, according to observers. Brian Solis, Altimeter Group analyst and author of a new book about customer experience called X,…

Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2016

Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2016

I’ve been spending an increasing amount of time studying the state and future of finance, banking and retail. Behind the scenes, I’ve spent time with several national and global finance companies/banks as well as several retailers all looking to understand the connected customer and their expectations and preferences when it comes to money, banking and shopping. When Jim Marous, co-publisher of The Financial Brand reached out to talk about the 2016 trends and predictions in retail banking, I was ready…

Los Angeles Times: Robot helpers are on the rise

by Jennifer Van Grove, LA Times, excerpt You may not have unwrapped a robot on Christmas, but your new year will be filled with artificial intelligence. The digital gift comes courtesy of Facebook, Google, Microsoft and other technology companies, large and small, that are making rapid advancements with virtual personal assistants that can solve problems and even complete tasks. The assistants, sometimes referred to as “chatbots,” represent noteworthy advancements to computer programs that simulate conversations. Chatbots are not new — perhaps…

Do Education and an Overload of Information Have a Battle to Fight?

via Ed Sessions, Excerpt The modern world has an increasing ability to make information accessible to people from all walks of life. Each technological advancement, in some way or another, leads to a greater access to information for people as a whole. Is this really a good thing for us to come up against? Or is it something that could turn out to be a perilous problem for all who are involved? Brian Solis: Relevancy We each face many different…

The 5 Most Popular Marketing Cloudcasts of 2015: Brian Solis and X

By Heike Young, Salesforce Excerpt In September 2015, Salesforce Marketing Cloud launched our first podcast: the Marketing Cloudcast. On the show, Joel Book and I interview marketing thought leaders, practitioners, authors, and more about key trends, technologies, and topics in marketing today. We’ve featured guests from a variety of industries and business sizes, from B2B tech to nonprofit to beauty. They’ve taught us a lot, and if you work in digital marketing, I’m sure you can learn something from them,…

Hello Flexon: I Can See Clearly Now the Strain is Gone

Hello Flexon: I Can See Clearly Now the Strain is Gone

This is a personal story… After a successful GDOL event in Istanbul a few years ago, my friends and I enjoyed cocktails overlooking the Bosphorus. I believe it was TechCrunch’s Mike Butcher who made a comment about an advertisement on a building across the water. I couldn’t read it at all but I could see that there was something there. I also remember questioning whether he could read it or if he was just playing around. So I borrowed his…

Will You Be A Part of Change Or A Victim Of It? An Interview with @TheYoungTurks

Will You Be A Part of Change Or A Victim Of It? An Interview with @TheYoungTurks

Right before everyone left for the Christmas/Holiday break, I flew down to Los Angeles to visit the The Young Turks studio. My good friend Francis Maxwell invited me to sit down with Cenk Uygar, host and co-founder of TYT to talk about the story of X and upcoming trends affecting business and society. While we did talk about those things, we got there via a conversation I don’t usually have, which is the story of (me) and how I got to where I am today. Perhaps…

TYT: Will You Be A Part of Change Or A Victim Of It? Brian Solis interview w/ Cenk Uyghur

via The Young Turks Futurist, change management specialist and “X: The Experience When Business Meets Design” author Brian Solis sits down with The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur to talk about the past, present and future and how more and faster change is coming, and the only question is whether you’re going to be a part of that change or a victim of it. Along the way, the two discuss how disruptive technologies and changing cultural standards will affect the news…

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