Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

X Marks the Spot: Where Experience Meets Design


Please watch the video below…

I’ve met some pretty incredible people over the years. One such individual that I wanted to introduce to is Bryan Elliott, an entrepreneur, writer, event producer and advocate for innovative thinkers and businesses. I originally met Bryan at Blog World Expo back in the day, one of the original big tech shows we all used to hit on the circuit. He’s just one of the nicest (and most connected) human beings you could ever meet at a conference or anywhere really.

Among the many things Bryan does is organize a series of events on for LinkedOC (Orange County), a community he founded of local businesses and notable personalities. I’ve had the pleasure of speaking at his events for each of my books going back to Engage. Bryan pulls in some of the biggest names in the business too. He’s hosted Anthony Robbins, Roland Sands (one of my favorite custom bike builders), Seth Godin, Rainn Wilson, Gary Vaynerchuk, and many many more.

Bryan was kind enough to invite me to a special event to support the launch of X: The Experience When Business Meets Design. I was traveling quite a bit since announcing the date (what’s new?). I remember asking shortly before the event if there was anything I could help him with. His reply was simply, “Nah, we’re all good. Don’t worry about it. Looking forward to seeing you.” And that’s Bryan. So nice. So mellow. So connected.

In the end, 250 people showed up, pretty much all at the same time, each with a copy of X in hand. It was…electric…unforgettable.

I wanted to share with you an interesting video that Bryan’s team assembled. It’s a storified version of my presentation complete with an inspiring soundtrack.

Hope it helps you!

Thank you Bryan.


Connect with Brian on Social Media

Twitter: @briansolis
Facebook: TheBrianSolis
LinkedIn: BrianSolis
Youtube: BrianSolisTV

Experience is everything…read my new book, X!


ONE COMMENT ON THIS POST To “X Marks the Spot: Where Experience Meets Design”

  1. Great looking web site. Presume you did a bunch of your very ownyour very own coding

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