Solis, Altimeter and key statistics are quoted upfront in an article by Allan Tan on Futuriot titled “Securing a converged IoT-IIoT future.” The Altimeter report, 2018-2019 State of Digital Transformation, reveals that business growth remains the primary driver of digital transformation initiatives. But while market pressures like business opportunities (51%) and increased competitive pressure (41%) are high on the agenda of the C-suite, high-profile data breaches and new regulatory standards like GDPR are also providing impetus to transform (38%). Solis…
Australia’s Forte Magazine Features Article On Webinar Masterclass With Brian Solis
The uncredited piece begins: “Are you struggling with focus, procrastination, anxiety, self-esteem, forgetfulness, or creativity? Somewhere along the way, we have become distracted. Maybe we don’t realise the extent to which our everyday rituals, favourite devices and apps, or where we focus our attention is affecting us.” The masterclass offers “practical tips, tricks, and insights directly from Brian Solis on how to be more efficient and productive in our technology-driven world. . .from simple first steps to reclaiming your attention,…
Cirium Execs Reference Brian Solis in Article on Airlines and Airports’ Use of Data
Solis is mentioned at the tail end of a Future Travel Experience article titled “Why data analytics is a vital tool for unlocking new customer experience and revenue opportunities,” featuring new perspectives on the subject by Cirium’s Carrie Mamantov, Marketing Director, and Steve Lappenbusch, Principal Product Manager. The article was centered around Cirium’s involvement in FTE Global 2019, where the company would be leading a co-creation session exploring “How can the industry better utilize data to exceed traveler expectations?” Mamantov…
Digitalist Magazine Features Brian Solis in ebook Titled ‘Tales From Tech Unknown: Extraordinary Stories from Tech Leaders’
Brian Solis is featured among seven top tech leaders in a Digitalist Magazine ebook called “Tales From Tech Unknown: Extraordinary Stories From Tech Leaders” by Ursula Ringham. It is designed as an introduction to the people she deems “inspired leaders” whose vision for the future will lead businesses through digital transformation and beyond. Solis’ page in the book (17) is in a section called “Promoting Productivity in a Distracted Age.” His opening “pull quote” is “We have to understand what’s…
BlueLeadz Selects Brian Solis as One of the 10 Best Tech Thought Leaders You Should Follow on LinkedIn
Solis is one of the “10 Best Technology Thought Leaders You Should Follow on LinkedIn, was chosen by Blueleads and reported in an article by Claire Cortese. The list is headed by Cathy Hackl, Futurist from You Are Here Labs, and Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates. Solis’ section identifies him as the “Award winning author of X: The Experience When Business Meets Design” who specializes in disruptive technology and its impact. Cortese adds: “He focuses on the ‘future of industries, trends,…
Brian Solis Is Quoted Extensively in TechRepublic Article on Big Data and AI
Solis has a lot to say about personalized data, e-commerce and AI in a in a TechRepublic piece by Alison DeNisco Rayome on how big data and AI help online retailers compete in the digital era. The premise is that some brick and mortar retailers are seeking out services that leverage big data and personalization to increase e-commerce sales. Solis draws a unique distinction: “During the rise of big data, it was said that data was the new oil. In…
Brian Solis Spotlighted in Meltwater Article on Trend Forecasters
For his article “Why Marketing and Comms Should Start Working with Trend Forecasters—And How to Find the Right Ones” on the Meltwater website, John Boitnott sought out Solis’ expertise to illuminate key concepts. Solis is referenced almost immediately in the opening section “What is Trend Forecasting?” As Boitnott writes, “Brian Solis is author of the new book Lifescale and Principal Analyst and Futurist at Altimeter Group. He says it’s part art and part science, and not at all precise, but…
Brian Solis Listed By Marketer Mag As One of Ten Marketing Influencers to Follow on Twitter
Solis is #4 on Marketer Mag’s list of 10 marketing influencers you should be following on Twitter. The ten experts are also named as “social media influencers” who followers can trust to provide the latest marketing news. They created the list to help people make sense of all the digital marketing information floating around. Of Solis, the article says: “As a digital analyst, anthropologist, and futurist, Brian Solis is looking at the bigger picture. Instead of keying into the latest…
Brian Solis Is Featured in a Linkfluence Article Of 10 Experts on Leveraging Your Social Data
Guillaume Decugis, CEO of Linkfluence, chose Solis as one of the experts in his article “Social Media Insights: 10 Experts Share How To Leverage Your Social Data.” Solis is quoted as saying: “Customers are connected and mobile-first, and they’re in control of their journeys and experiences. The pace of change for consumers and technology has never been faster. Yet, brands are still chasing customer intent through traditional means. The good news is that because of digital, customer signals give away…
Brian Solis Shares How Innovation Can Transform Your Brand With Retail Touchpoints
In an interview with Alicia Esposito of Retail Touchpoints that appeared on the Salesforce blog, Solis focused on transforming your brand in commerce, marketing, customer service and even holiday readiness. First, he discusses the “experience economy,” a phrase coined by Joe Pine and James Gilmore in their book The Experience Economy. Solis said, “Today, your brand is defined by the experiences people have and share, which is completely different than in the past. If people are going to have an…