Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


How Brian Solis Uses Twitter

While in Paris for the European launch of What’s the Future of Business, @tweetbosses caught up with Brian Solis (@briansolis) to discuss his personal and professional use of Twitter. Brian also shares his advice for executive use of Twitter and what they should and shouldn’t do. p.s. His other account is @MrSolis

Brian Solis: voorkom een Kodak-moment #TNWEurope

Brian Solis: voorkom een Kodak-moment #TNWEurope

A summary of the keynote given by Brian Solis at TheNextWeb Europe via, @michielleendert Brian Solis is een gepassioneerd spreker en pleitbezorger voor disruptie en ondernemerschap. Een deel van de grote zaal van de The Next Web Conference 2014 krijgt -voor mijn gevoel- zin om zijn baan op te zeggen. Een ander deel wordt in zijn ondernemerschap bevestigd. En dan heb je natuurlijk ook nog de mensen die vooral met smartphone of tablet of tablet. The Next Web is…

CIO: How the Collaborative Economy Will Change the Way You Do Business

CIO’s J.D. Sartain published an important piece on how the sharing economy is impacting traditional businesses. The article features friends and former colleagues Brian Solis and Jeremiah Owyang. To tee things up in the article, Owyang identifies five keys areas of the collaborative economy: 1. Goods. Women in particular share clothes and jewelry in order to access an unlimited closet without buying so many “things.” Startups such as 99 Dresses, Poshmark and Threadflip serve as buy/sell/trade sites that provide name-brand…

Ridesharing services like Uber have become the new anti-regulation rallying point

Daniel Rivero (@TooMuchMe) interviewed Brian Solis to get his thoughts on politicians who are placing roadblocks in front of Uber and other ridesharing services over at Solis told Fusion that the taxi industry, and others being affected by like-minded services (think hotels and Airbnb) will simply have to adapt.  “You can stand there and force politics onto anything that threatens you, but all you’re going to do is stall the inevitable, and cost everyone a everyone a lot of…

Brian Solis and Altimeter Group Publish New Research on Enterprise Digital Transformation

Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter Group, released brand new research that explores the impact of disruptive technology on consumer behavior and in turn how businesses are adapting market and technology strategies as a result. This research represents a significant advancement in focus for Brian Solis and Altimeter Group, expanding coverage from Social Business evolution and strategy to look more holistically at the bigger movement of Digital Transformation. The new report, “Digital Transformation: Why and How Companies are Investing in New…

NBC’s Press:Here Talks About HBO vs. The Real Culture of Silicon Valley

HBO’s Silicon Valley debuted recently and the real Silicon Valley is all abuzz with a broad spectrum of reviews. Brian Solis joined NBC’s Scott McGrew on Press:Here along with Time’s Harry McCracken and USATODAY’s Sarah Buhr to talk about the culture of Silicon Valley and why the show is actually…spot on (maybe too spot on.) “I got seven words for you,” gushes one young CEO of a start-up called Goolibit at a lavish party in the show’s first scene. “I…

New Research: Technology Should Not Lead Digital Transformation

New Research: Technology Should Not Lead Digital Transformation

Companies that allow technology to drive their digital transformation are making a big mistake, according to a new Altimeter Group study, “Digital Transformation.” Instead, digital transformation should be driven by the expectations of digital customers. The Altimeter report defines digital transformation as new models, team structures, and customer-centered philosophies. However, a one-size-fits-all approach to digital transformation doesn’t exist, said Altimeter Group principal Brian Solis. “A lot of times, people are looking for the prescription,” Solis told “But unfortunately there…

Vistage Executive Summit: The New Kodak Moment is Something Students Will Learn in Business School

During the early ’90s, commercials which defined life as a series of “Kodak moments” sold the importance of capturing those oh so precious snapshots of our lives. As Brian Solis described at the Vistage Executive Summit in Philadelphia today, the very meaning of the Kodak moment was later redefined as the moment in time when Kodak (or any company for that matter) fails to respond to changes in technology, the needs of the marketplace, or the desires of its customers,…

The Growing Pains of SXSW: An Interview with Brian Solis

The Growing Pains of SXSW: An Interview with Brian Solis

Murray Newlands at Search Engine Journal caught up with Brian Solis at SXSW to get his views on the state and future of Interactive. 2014 represents the 20th anniversary of SXSW Interactive. Even at the ripe age of 20, the show is still experiencing growing pains…in a good way. Brian Solis is one of the preeminent thought leaders in marketing and disruptive technologies in the world, a long time SXSW attendee, and the person, along with Stephanie Agresta, in charge…

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