Every now and then I discover something that is so captivating, that I have to stop what I’m working on to share it with everyone I know. This is one of them. For those veterans who continue to define Twitter’s role in how we communicate, share and learn, those who have recently made its acquaintance, and those just finding their stride, we all linked through common threads and context that pique our curiosity, stimulate our quest for adventure, expand…
Social Media is Rife with Experts but Starved of Authorities
Perhaps Lewis Carroll was peering into the looking glass when he wrote “Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There.” In it, we were introduced to Tweetle Dum and Tweetle Dee, a curious duo that always shared a fruitful, entertaining, and complementary conversational exchange even though they always agreed to battle each other. Some suggest that the significance of Alice’s encounter with the twins explores how curiosity leads to the unknown and therefore, may not be worthy of…
Gazing into the Twitterverse
Twitter connects people through a rich and active exchange of ideas, thoughts, observations, and interests in one, highly collaborative and promising ecosystem. The Twitterverse advances micro interaction and connections through an expanding network of applications, engendering the potential for macro reach and resonance online and IRL (in real life). Following the recent debut of The Conversation Prism v2.0, Jesse Thomas (@jess3) and I proudly introduce an alpha version of The Twitterverse. While the landscape for Twitter approaches 1,000 different applications,…
The Intersection of Facebook & MySpace
Source An interesting and highly anticipated phenomenon occurred in December 2008, one that received very little fanfare. December was a particularly busy month for Mark Zuckerberg’s high profile social network. According to Web metrics firm Hitwise, Facebook’s share of US Internet traffic hit an all time high on Christmas Eve 2008, earning 2.18% of all US Internet visits. Perhaps more significant, the traffic volume between Myspace and Facebook intersected at the end of 2008 with Facebook surpassing MySpace according to…
Twitority & Twithority Rank Tweets and Keywords By Authority
As online conversations continue to gain in prominence and relevance to any customer and market-focused business, it becomes critically important for marketing and service professionals to listen. It’s the listening that serves as the foundation for identifying, guiding, and establishing meaningful engagement. Twitter is one of the more active and influential communities that can effectively recruit affiliates, incite action, and spark trends. Until now, the only way to measure conversations or keywords by authority in Twitter was either manually or…
Social Media Predictions for 2009 – Introducing Social Syndication and Aggregation
My good friend Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Junta42 content and custom publishing network, has compiled an impressive list of 47 social media and content marketing experts to share their advice and predictions for 2009. The list includes insight from renown pundits and visionaries including: Paul Bradshaw David Meerman Scott Scott Monty Sally Falkow Jason Falls Toby Bloomberg Marc Meyer Ann Handley Paul Gillin Valeria Maltoni Here’s my prediction: Brand marketers will continue to experiment with existing and emerging forms…
2009, The Year of Social Aggregation & Syndication: Scrapplet Paves the Way
I have had the privilege to help guide, mold, and launch many companies over the years. The Social Web, and its supporting community, influence the development of innovative, rich and useful applications. The socialization and metamorphosis of content creation, discovery and distribution continues to inspire and strengthen my passion for participating in its evolution. Recently, PeopleBrowsr made its Public Alpha debut to become the dashboard for your distributed social graph, starting with Twitter. Currently, I’m working with Steve Repetti on…
PeopleBrowsr Centralizes Conversations & Relationships: Introduces A Dashboard for Social Networks
Over the last several months, I’ve had the distinct pleasure and honor of working with some of the most visionary people online to develop a solution that WE, as social architects, need to stay connected, and also, centered. I’ve invested a significant portion of time and energy into the support, development, and refinement of an ambitious project led by Jodee Rich. I did so, because I believe that it is one of the most compelling and promising services for uniting…
Now is Gone is "Now" an Award Winning Book
What a surprising and incredible way to end an unbelievably tumultuous week. Good friend and co-author Geoff Livingston and I were informed that our book, Now is Gone, was awarded Silver in Axiom’s 2008 Business Book Awards. We tied Linda VandeVrede’s book, Press Releases Are Not a PR Strategy, in the Advertising/Marketing/PR/Event Planning category. More than 400 books were judged for the awards, and a little more than a 100 won medals. The official awards ceremony is in New York…
Office 2.0 Conference: Mobility & Productivity
Ismael Ghalimi invited me to be part of the Office 2.0 team and I was more than happy to jump onboard. Ismael is a visionary and is helping to change the way companies think about next generation office applications and workflow. I’ve been deeply immersed in the Office 2.0 landscape, experimenting and documenting my experience with new and emerging technology and tools. I’m joining two reigning authorities on the subject, Marc Orchant and Oliver Starr, on the Mobility & Productivity…