Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


The Future of Business Starts with Us

I often share a quote by Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” And that’s where are in business. We all talk of change but very few of us start with changing the very things that will help us more effectively compete for the future. The evolving state of technology, customer behavior and expectations and our role within each is changing or it should change… What we see (perspective and…

Pivot: The Emergence of Digital Compels Businesses to Transform

Guest post by Mike Edelhart, co-producer and CEO of The Pivot Conference (@pivotcon) Historic shifts in business fundamentals don’t occur smoothly; rather they happen in sudden, sharp shifts which open unexpected chasms companies must traverse or plunge. Today, the deep change in human behavior brought about by the emergence of social media marks the latest such shift, perhaps the most dramatic since the Industrial Revolution. Gone are the traditional success factors of operational efficiency and price advantage being uprooted by…

Pivot: The Total Digital Experience

Pivot: The Total Digital Experience

The Pivot Conference in NYC in October is unique among events in that, each year, it shifts  focus to deeply reflect the needs of its community of senior business transformation executives from leading brands and organizations.  To make that happen, I serve as Pivot’s Executive Producer along with Pivot CEO, Mike Edelhart. For four years in a row, we’ve put our heads together to develop a story arc that covers the hottest, emergent trends, presented by the industry’s most engaging…

A Manifesto for Building Relationships in the Digital Era

A Manifesto for Building Relationships in the Digital Era

Not too long ago, my dear friend Hugh MacLeod (@gapingvoid) and I set out to explore a new world of visual communication that combined an intentional form of written storytelling illustrated through clever yet pithy cartoons. That work was originally brought to life in #WTF (What’s the Future of Business). The engagement around Hugh’s work eventually spilled over from print to online with readers sharing their favorite Hugh cartoons via Tweets, Instagrams, Vines, Pinterest, et al. We were inspired to…

Introducing N3TWORK, A Mobile Television Network Powered by Interests and Context

Introducing N3TWORK, A Mobile Television Network Powered by Interests and Context

Early on, I was one of the first analysts to explore the dynamics of the interest graph versus the social graph in social networks. Think Twitter vs. Facebook. I learned right away that interest graphs tend to share connections based on topics rather than relationships. I also found that every person possesses a series of 6-10 interest graphs that together form a social graph.  Google refers to these groupings as “Circles.” The notion of manually organizing people by interests though…

WTF of Business at Saddleback Leather Co.

WTF of Business at Saddleback Leather Co.

Guest post by John Bergquist (@JohnFlurry), who leads Content and Communications at Saddleback Leather Co. So much has changed in business in the past 20 years. And it continues to change daily. As Brian has said before, today a business has to engage… or die. And you know what? That delights me. It is the way it used to be. Shopkeepers knew their customers very well. They didn’t need mechanical analysts or teams of test consumers to determine how to…

A New Era for Search: The Zero Moment of Truth is Now Defined by Shared Customer Experiences

A New Era for Search: The Zero Moment of Truth is Now Defined by Shared Customer Experiences

This is the story of when ZMOT met UMOT… Search is a natural step in the discovery process. In a web world, search engines offer a lens into a qualified and structured view to help online consumers focus and make informed decisions. With Google dominating search, marketers concentrated on improving search ranking through tried and true techniques to ensure that what they were marketing earned a coveted position in the likely search results a customer might consider clicking. Search is…

Digital Transformation and the Race Against Digital Darwinism

Digital Transformation and the Race Against Digital Darwinism

Digital Darwinism is a fate that threatens most organizations in almost every industry. Because of this, businesses not only have to compete for today but also for the unforeseeable future. Digital Darwinism is the phenomenon when technology and society evolve faster than an organization can adapt. There are many reasons for this of course. Every fabric of a company is strained due to internal and external influences. The challenge lies amongst the very leaders running the show today. Their mission…

Five Trends Shaping the Future of Work

Five Trends Shaping the Future of Work

Guest post by Jacob Morgan, author of the newly released, The Future of Work: Attract New Talent, Build Better Leaders, and Create a Competitive Organization. You can connect with Jacob on Twitter or email him directly: If there’s one thing that we can all agree on it’s that the world of work is changing…quickly. The way we have been working over the past few years is NOT how are we are going to be working in the coming years….

The Maker Movement and Its Impact on Supply Chain Transformation

The Maker Movement and Its Impact on Supply Chain Transformation

I follow the Maker Movement as a consumer, analyst and also as a maker. What is the maker movement? It a manifestation of the DIY (Do It Yourself) or DIWO (Do It With Others) culture where everyday people design, build and/or market something that they want or need on their own rather than buying something off the shelf. The maker movement has led to the creation of a number of technology products and solutions by typical individuals working without supportive…

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