Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Designing the Experience: My Ongoing Experiments with Book Trailers and Storytelling

Designing the Experience: My Ongoing Experiments with Book Trailers and Storytelling

I’ve always been fascinated by Hollywood trailers. So much so, that 10 years ago, I was determined to develop a trailer for my next book at the time, Engage!. Since then, I launched every subsequent book with a trailer. You can see a compilation here. With my latest book X, I broke that tradition. It wasn’t intentional however. I simply got so caught up with the launch and the following book tour that I couldn’t get to it. That didn’t…

Crossing Over to the Darkside of Digital and Seeing the Light

Crossing Over to the Darkside of Digital and Seeing the Light

“Yesterday is not tomorrow; we can’t innovate, we can’t do new things by opening old doors.” Paul Miller spends a lot of time thinking about the future of work. In fact, he wrote a book on the subject, “The Digital Renaissance of Work: Delivering digital workplaces fit for the future.” I greatly respect Paul’s work and I’ve been lucky to know him for quite some time now. In fact, I was honored to write the foreword to his book. Following that, Paul…

Innovation is a gift worth getting: Competing for the future starts with challenging business as usual

Innovation is a gift worth getting: Competing for the future starts with challenging business as usual

Every day when you get to the office, there is a surmountable volume of work that greets you. The list is usually pretty long, with calls to return, to do items stacked up, emails overflowing, meetings, marketing and sales planning to fill the pipeline. It’s all in a day’s work. But what if one day you woke up and noticed that the volume of work was notably less? I’m sure you’d be relieved for a bit. But then each day,…

Boldly Go: The Confluence of Digital Transformation, Innovation, Culture and Experience

Boldly Go: The Confluence of Digital Transformation, Innovation, Culture and Experience

There are almost too many technology trends to track these days and it’s only getting more complicated to keep up. At some point, one must focus, dive deeper and learn. This year, I’m centering my research and speaking on a few different but complementary areas: Corporate Innovation Digital Transformation Digital Culture/Culture 2.0 X – Experience Design Recently, I had the opportunity to present a combination of all of the above at the RocketSpace Corporate Innovation Summit hosted by Docusign. It…

I was supposed to write about Apple’s new show ‘Planet of the Apps,’ Instead, I wrote about @GaryVee

I was supposed to write about Apple’s new show ‘Planet of the Apps,’ Instead, I wrote about @GaryVee

This post started as a review of the new show on Apple Music, “Planet of the Apps.” I realized the world didn’t need another announcement or review of the show. What I will say is this, any show that aims to help entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life and also transform them into budding businesses that change the world is important. The show features Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Gary Vaynerchuk. I’ve had the privilege of working with this crew (except…

The New Kodak Moment = That Moment When You Lose Market Relevance

The New Kodak Moment = That Moment When You Lose Market Relevance

“You press the button, we do the rest.” These are the touching words of Kodak’s first advertising slogan. Coined by George Eastman, Kodak’s iconic founder in 1892, this tagline almost seems relevant 120 years later. Almost. There was a time in history where uttering those words evoked an emotional sense of nostalgia. Now, unfortunately, the Kodak moment represents that moment when executives fail to realize how consumers are changing and how markets will ultimately evolve in new directions without them….

Digital Transformation Needs Change Agents and Leadership Not Just Technology

Digital Transformation Needs Change Agents and Leadership Not Just Technology

Over the last year, I partnered with BMC on a new podcast series called “Digital Outliers.” We hand-picked 11 incredible guests working in critical areas of digital transformation and the future of work including IT, humanities and innovation. The result was humbling. Each episode dives into the trends shaping how companies work and compete. Our guests also offer prescriptive guide points for executives and change agents driving digital efforts to modernize culture, productivity, innovation, and experiences. My first guest in Episode 1…

Las seis etapas de la transformación digital

Las seis etapas de la transformación digital

el futuro es ahora… La transformación digital es una de las mayores tendencias que impulsan la evolución y modernización de las empresas en todo el mundo. En mis investigaciones, he llegado a definir la transformación digital como la realineación de o la nueva inversión en tecnología, modelos de negocio y procesos que impulsen un nuevo valor para los clientes y empleados, logrando así competir de manera más efectiva en una economía digital tan cambiante. Sin embargo, a lo largo de…

From Future Shock to Future Proof: Digital Transformation is not a Prescription, It’s a Mission

From Future Shock to Future Proof: Digital Transformation is not a Prescription, It’s a Mission

When I set out to research digital transformation several years ago, I did so with the belief that there was more to the story than technology, IT and modernization. Yet, the name itself implies that change is focused on or prioritizes all things digital. But there’s more to the story than how CMOs or CIOs are deploying modern platforms to better engage customers and employees. The story I set out to uncover was that of the people behind change. To…

Enhancing Customer Experience With Wearable Tech

Enhancing Customer Experience With Wearable Tech

Guest post by Blake Morgan (@blakemichellem), Customer Experience Futurist, Keynote Speaker, Author of the new book, More Is More In X: The Experience When Business Meets Design, author Brian Solis talks about how Disney created its MagicBand—an all-in-one device that connects users with their vacation options—embedded with technology that allows customers to make purchases without a credit card or cash, get in and out of the park, review and optimize wait times, book FastPass, open their hotel room door, make dinner reservations, and…

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