Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


The Future of Business is Under Construction and You are Its Architect

The Future of Business is Under Construction and You are Its Architect

WTF? What’s the future…? Disruptive technologies are hailed as catalysts for business transformation. But they are merely enablers for defining a new genre of market relevance and leadership. Among the subjects of disruption, how we work, market, sell, and serve requires nothing less than remodeling and in many cases, complete redesign. The reality is that the future of business is always under construction. Yet, the state of business as usual is still pervasive and very much rooted in the past….

Can You Change the World from Your Smartphone?

Can You Change the World from Your Smartphone?

When I was in Portugal, I was asked to interview with Publico with Karla Pequenino. I wasn’t sure what we were going to talk about. But at the time, it turned out to be a precursor to something that wouldn’t just be near and dear to me, but to everyone around the world. The topic was digital activism vs. social slactivism aka “look at me! I care about this cause…but, I also care about views and likes!” The story was…

The Evolving Social Construct of Modern Social Businesses

The Evolving Social Construct of Modern Social Businesses

This article is from my unpublished archives. It does no good sitting there, so I’ve decided to publish it after all these years. Today, businesses are actively seeking the fountain of youth to stay relevant in these evolving times. The more ambitious leaders, are also seeking the fountain of truth to connect with evolving societal norms and values. Digital strategists believe that new technologies combined with transparency and authenticity reveal the way forward. And, it does, to some extent. But…

Experience Design is a Catalyst to Innovation and a Driver for Business Growth

Experience Design is a Catalyst to Innovation and a Driver for Business Growth

Bryan Adams hosts a great podcast on creativity and storytelling called “Getting Goosebumps.” Shortly after publishing X: The Experience When Business Meets Design, Bryan invited me to be on the show and I’m sure glad he did! What a great conversation!  I’ve included it below… Getting Back to Customer Centricity with Brian Solis For this week’s episode of Getting Goosebumps, I had the chance to chat to Brian Solis. Brian’s the principal analyst at Altimeter Group and a sought after keynote speaker….

In the Future of Work, Technology is Both a Problem and Solution

In the Future of Work, Technology is Both a Problem and Solution

As a digital analyst and anthropologist, I’ve studied over the last 20 years, the evolution of disruptive technology and its effect on business philosophies and models. At the same time, I’ve also studied disruptive technology’s impact on society and human behavior. If I had to share just one thing I’ve learned along the way, it’s that markets are splintering into two notable camps: 1) traditional and 2) hyper-connected aka Generation-C (connected). While this may at first glance seem either obvious…

This is the Ultimate Catalyst for Change…is You

This is the Ultimate Catalyst for Change…is You

Sometimes I just have to pinch myself. I was invited to speak at a Bayer innovation event in Germany to the executives responsible for leading digital transformation. As I was sharing my work and observations, I noticed a different kind of graphic recorder was present. Rather than illustrating the conversation in real-time, the talk was presented as an actual digitally printed banner moments after the key segments of the talk. Here is a visual summary… This is the ultimate catalyst…

It’s Time to Upgrade the RFP for Mobile Only Customer Journeys and Experiences

It’s Time to Upgrade the RFP for Mobile Only Customer Journeys and Experiences

An unpublished research interview with Erica D’Aloia, Manager of Ecommerce Traffic for Godiva Chocolatier. The topic explored the idea of upgrading RFPs for CMOs to consider the mobile customer journey uniquely. Special thanks to Mike Grehan of Acronym. How are micro-moments and shift in mobile behavior shaping the RFP process (or not)? How are micro-moments changing marketing strategies?  The word ‘Mobile Behavior’ initially threw me off – where I think of this more as use and importance of a device. I…

The Generation Gap is Getting Old – Why Older Generations Should Build Bridges to Millennials and Centennials not Roadblocks

The Generation Gap is Getting Old – Why Older Generations Should Build Bridges to Millennials and Centennials not Roadblocks

It’s said that there are two things certain in life…death and taxes. We can also add the certainty that a great divide will always exists in each generational shift. The “generation gap” as it’s formally called, represents the difference of opinion between one generation and another regarding beliefs, politics or values. Depending on the situation or circumstance, this gap can foster debate, ignorance and even contention, often pitting younger people against their parents, grandparents, teachers, managers and fellow citizens. But,…

Solving for X: The Rise of Experience Innovation

Solving for X: The Rise of Experience Innovation

I’ve known Judith Aquino for several years now. Her work in customer experience is extensive and her connections in the space are deep. Shortly after the release of X: The Experience When Business Meets Design, I caught up with Judith to talk about the rise of experience innovation. She published our conversation in Customer Strategist, and I was able to get a downloadable PDF as well. I wanted to share our conversation with you… Solving for X: Why the Future…

Digital Transformation 101

Digital Transformation 101

Digital transformation is an essential topic at leading technology publications these days. One such outlet, TechRepublic, is a favorite of mine. I spent time with Olivia Krauth on the subject and I wanted to share our conversation with you here. It serves as a solid foundation for taking digital transformation beyond IT and into a business performance enablement role across the enterprise. Generally, what does it mean to digitally transform? The definition of digital transformation has expanded to cover everything…

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