Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


PR 2.0 Is Not Web 2.0

It’s fascinating to see how the “PR 2.0” manifesto has spread through a natural and intelligent set of influencers over the last 10 years, without attracting “opportunistic” PR professionals to jump on the bandwagon – until now. Now with Web 2.0 starting to crossover into the mainstream, PR 2.0 (and everything 2.0) has become the golden ticket for misguided marketing professionals. Just a side point though, how many people can accurately define Web 2.0 anyway? Answer, not many. It is…

Advanced PR Technology in Practice – Speaking this Friday in Los Angeles

This Friday, March 2nd, I’m speaking at the Bulldog Reporter conference – Advanced PR Technology in Practice, a day-long event discussing how to transform the state of the art into increased visibility, greater ROI and crisis solutions. The event will be held in Los Angeles at The Olympic Collection. I participated in the event when it was in San Francisco last November. I was invited to speak on Social Media, its present and its future, but I was surprised at…

Office 2.0OLS – Under The Radar: Why Office 2.0 Matters

I’ve been invited to blog the “Under The Radar: Why Office 2.0 Matters” event on March 23rd. The event, produced by Dealmaker Media, showcases 32 emerging office 2.0 applications that are changing office workflow and disrupting traditional technology, impacting everything from organization, collaboration, tracking, and publishing to communicating, personalizing, and syncing. It will focus on the future of the office 2.0 landscape and its challenges and opportunities within SMB and enterprise adoption and the monetization of services. UTR: Office 2.0…

Brian Solis on Valleywag

It’s a toss up. Coverage on Valleywag can be either extremely beneficial or detrimental to one’s business and/or reputation. I’ve had the good fortune of making the cut on a couple of really great posts by Megan McCarthy recently, so I am thankful just to be included! First, there was Wag’s coverage from the CommunityNext Event, which I also talked about over at The latest was their party report from SFBeta. Valleywag photographer, Lane Hartwell – also of fetching…

Doc Searls and Robert Scoble on What’s Wrong with Social Media

I recently ran a post that encapsulated the most current memes on Social Media – what it is, isn’t, and what it should be. I also made a case for why Social Media should be classified as “Social Media.” Social media, in principle, is important, as it relates to the democratization of news and information. It represents all of the channels that we the people use to read, write, create, and share information with each other, including blogs, tagging, socialized…

What’s Wrong with Social Media?

What’s Wrong with Social Media?

Over the last few days, there have been several discussions around Social Media and social media tools, with discussions ranging from its definition and intent, to its manipulation by marketers and whether it needs to be reclassified as something else. Dave Obasanjo sparked the meme in his Social Media…WTF post. “It seems that I must have missed some key conference or memo sometime this year because all of a sudden I see a lot of blogs dropping the term social…

Thanks to Ryan Clark Holiday for His Post on The Future of PR

Thank you to Ryan Clark Holiday for his post yesterday discussing the future of pr. Per Ryan’s post… I’ve been trying to articulate my thoughts on where I think PR is heading in both the near and distant future. I was having trouble and then I found Brian Solis’ post on the matter and realized I didn’t have to write it anymore. He did it for me. “For far too long, PR has operated behind a wall, spamming media with…

Comment, Community, and/or Conversational Marketing, Will the Real CM Please Stand Up?

Of all the forms of traditional and new media marketing, blogs continue to evolve as the global exchange for sharing ideas, opinions and interpretations across all industries. So much so, that yet another old online strategy is being dolled up as a new trend, extending the original practice of participation from traditional forums into the blogosophere. Some call it conversational marketing or community marketing, as rooted in the almighty Web 2.0 bible Cluetrain Manifesto, while others flock behind comment marketing…

Back to the Future – Beyond Web 2.0

Last week, Nandor Fejer and Alison McNeill attended the Back to the Future – Beyond Web 2.0 event in Silicon Valley while I attended DEMO 07. Moderator: Jeremiah Owyang, Director of Corporate Media Strategy at Speakers: Harry McCracken, Vice President/Editor in Chief at PC WORLD Sean Ness, Co-Founder, STIRR & Business Development Manager at Institute for the Future Dmitriy KruglyakCEO & Community Steward, Trusted.MD Network The event was hosted by the Silicon Valley Web Builder (SVWB). Their mission is…

Are You Talking to Me? Taking the BS Out of Business Blogging

Blogging is nothing new, yet it is still highly underrated and misunderstood by Corporate America. Note, this isn’t written for the legions of social media-savvy professionals, this is aimed at those looking for the right way to participate.Although many of the same tools and strategies that make blogging so popular and influential are now starting to force new channels of business-to-business communications, most corporations are either slow to respond or treat it as the bastard step child of marketing. Today…

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