Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Silicon Valley NewTech Meetup – January 2007

by Alison McNeill of FutureWorks Now with over 959 members, the Silicon Valley NewTech Meetups are bigger than ever. That’s great news for companies like the ones below who want to get noticed. This meetup tool place in Palo Alto, where roughly 100 gathered to hear about some of the hottest emerging companies on the Web 2.0 scene. Drumroll please. First we have… CoFounder: Kai XuinChorus is a platform for collaborating on projects with thousands of other people on the…

Microsoft PR Sparks a Blogstorm of Support and Outrage

Image Credit: I just read over on Techmeme that Microsoft PR may be digging itself deeper into another potential PR fiasco. There is a blogstorm out there with dozens of bloggers, myself included, casting opinions. Many of which I don’t necessarily agree with. I had to find out for myself, so I contacted several of the privileged bloggers who already have the notebook as well as other PR leaders to discuss the topic. Welcome to Crisis Communications 2.0. Microsoft’s…

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