Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


PRWeek Claims Industry Enters Age of PR 3.0 – They Couldn’t be More Wrong

Almost within 24 hours of going on record stating that we will (should) not see anyone referring to PR 3.0 anytime soon, PRWeek runs an article about how the industry is entering a new age: PR 3.0. Hat tip to Constantin Basturea. Excerpt from my post, “And let me point out, that there will not be a 3.0 or any other rev numbers, unless there is another tremendous evolution, fusion, or breakthrough in the practice, science, and art of communications.”…

New Media Meets Old Media – Blogger & Podcaster Magazine Debuts

In an interesting twist of media, bloggers and podcasters now have something to read when wifi or EVDO is unavailable. Blogger & Podcaster is the first monthly business print and online magazine written “exclusively for serious bloggers and podcasters.” The premier issue features Robert Scoble discussing his foray into video podcasting. Read the first issue online here. The format is very rich and unique. I actually read through the issue, cover to cover.

Robert Scoble Meets Hooman from Radio Alice 97.3 at Web 2.0 Expo

Sometimes the best marketing at events of this caliber is “lobby marketing.” Robert Scoble, Jeremiah Owyang, Chris Pirillo, among others drew the crowds online and in person while they streamed live video from the show – courtesy of (and a little know how from the Podtech crew.) I spent the greater part of Sunday – Wednesday catching up with many visionaries and industry influencers – all of whom I would have missed had I attended conferences or roamed the…

PR 2.0 Takes the Stage at Web 2.0 Expo – Part I of II

I was invited to moderate a panel at the Web 2.0 Expo entitled, “PR 2.0: Dead as a Doornail, or Still Alive?” While the session was well attended, I honestly believe that this theme, and the title, was a bit premature and misleading. However, the session description was a bit more on target: In the online world, PR has lately been viewed as out of fashion — blogs and social networks are “it,” and press releases are passé… or are… – A New Chapter in Lifecasting is Already Unfolding

Please read Part I prior to reading this article. Also, please scroll down and press pause to stop the inbound video feeds until you’re ready. The new world of lifecasting through video, a la, and through other flow apps such as Twitter, Jaiku and Tumblr, are lessons in Internet culture, communication and proof that narcissism can be a powerful driver for technology adoption. In my last several posts, I’ve documented the migration of text-based streams. In this post, I’d…

Tumblr – Tumbling between blogs, twitter and jaiku

How many unfinished posts do you have in your draft folder? Or, better yet, how many ideas do you have that you are hoping to get to one day. Well if you’re anything like me, a post is much more than simply sitting down, typing, linking, adding tags and then clicking the post button. And, this is an example of one such post. Enter tumblelogs. According to Wikipedia, “A tumblelog is a variation of a blog, that favors short-form, mixed-media…

Twitter Me This, Is Jaiku a Threat? Let’s Ask Those Defining the Landscape

vs. Breaking news! Ok not really. But Leo Laporte jumping ship and joining Jaiku has definitely sparked controversy. And, it set the stage for a series of discussions comparing and contrasting Twitter and Jaiku – thus leaving behind the few other competitors that seem to miss these important discussions online. It all started with Leo Laporte broadcasting a goodbye from Twitter – “Goodbye Twitter and Hello Jaiku.” The reigning king of Twitter, with over 4,400 followers, indeed left the community…

There’s something to be said for the phenomenon that is amateur video on the Web. After earning Time’s Person of the Year, the “you” generation continues to drive the new web with each video and picture posted, tagged, and shared, every blog post and podcast, trackback, link, and comment, through every social bookmark, annotation, and search, all of the twitter casts, and micro and mobile text and IM updates we broadcast. Now, get ready for lifecasting. Lifecasting is the new…

Geoff Livingston Interviews Me for Diary of an Ad Man

I recently conducted an interview with Geoff Livingston who authors the well known blog, “Diary of an Ad Man.” We covered a wide range of hot topics including PR 2.0, Silicon Valley vs. the rest of the world, Web 2.0, the future bust, Social Media, Media 2.0, Corporate Blogging, and how to fix the PR industry. It not an easy discussion on any of these fronts, but it definitely ignites thinking and also warrants several individual posts. Here’s the intro:…

Extending My Support to Kathy Sierra, Maryam Scoble, and All Victims of Threats and Bashing

I can add nothing that hasn’t been said in the worldwide, frightening discussion regarding the death threats made to Kathy Sierra and the unnecessary bashing of Maryam Scoble and other bloggers through hate posts and comments. It is absolutely sickening that anyone would have to live life afraid of leaving their own home or have their brilliance silenced because their health is severely affected by fear. Anonymity is unfortunately a cloak of courage which shrouds some people with a false-sense…

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