Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Disruptive Technology

Is the Millennial Workforce Linked In?

Is the Millennial Workforce Linked In?

Millennials aren’t only disrupting the consumer landscape, they’re changing the game for human resources. To say that the digital lifestyle of Gen Y is unique is an understatement. How they express themselves and what’s important to them is much different than the generations before them. As such, how employers need to manage and recruit this new generation of connected employees requires much more than a LinkedIn or traditional recruitment approach. Millennials are expressing themselves in a unique way, which is…

It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn of Entrepreneurship

It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn of Entrepreneurship

Understanding the investment process in Silicon Valley used to require membership to a very exclusive club of investors, plugged-in media and experienced entrepreneurs. Adeo Ressi sought to change that. After starting seven successful companies that created over $2 billion in shareholder value he was faced with diminishing equity with each new company he would start. In 2007, Ressi unveiled the anonymously backed in 2007 to shine a light on the situation to improve the human and financial relationships between…

Small Business Strategy: 10 Trends to Watch

Small Business Strategy: 10 Trends to Watch

Part of an ongoing series dedicated to small businesses As you read this, the business landscape is shifting right under your company’s foundation. How customers make decisions, how they discover, communicate, and share, how they influence and are influenced, is evolving considerably. In fact, customer behavior is not only changing, it’s fragmenting and opening the door to new touch points. Your business will now have to compete for the customers you know and additionally, a new breed of customers that…

How Government Should Embrace Startups and Innovation to Revamp…Everything

How Government Should Embrace Startups and Innovation to Revamp…Everything

The future of government isn’t just created, it’s co-created Technology is disrupting everything it touches, from arts to government. But with disruption comes an opportunity to innovate. And of all the places where innovation is overdue, government takes the top spot. This episode of Revolution features Jay Nath, who serves as chief innovation officer for the City of San Francisco. Nath works with Mayor Ed Lee to embrace the city’s vast pool of technology startups and entrepreneurs in order to…

TEDTalk: Reinventing Consumer Capitalism – Screw Business as Usual

TEDTalk: Reinventing Consumer Capitalism – Screw Business as Usual

I’ve always admired TED’s approach to presentations. More importantly, I appreciate how this approach inspires its presenters to in turn inspire audiences in the room and around the web. This evokes the concept of having an “audience with an audience of audiences” where those on stage break through the fourth wall to speak to and through audiences to extend engagement to social networks. TED stimulates the sharing of inspired experiences and it’s the nature of those experiences that foster greater…

User Experience is Not Just Design, It’s the Key to Innovation and Growth

User Experience is Not Just Design, It’s the Key to Innovation and Growth

It’s not every day you have Jesse James Garrett stop by to talk about the state of user experience (UX) and its role in the future of business. But, we were fortunate to have him visit the set of Revolution to talk about the importance of people and experiences and how UX deserves the attention of the c-suite. The author of The Elements of User Experience and Co-Founder of Adaptive Path, Garrett has literally written the book on user experience….

USA Today’s Jon Swartz on the The Urgency of Now

Jon Swartz is a veteran technology reporter based in Silicon Valley currently covering emerging and disruptive tech at USA Today. This is the second time we’ve invited him to Revolution. His take on news trends is less about hype and more about how technology impacts everyday business and society. Sometimes technology is the solution as much as it is part of the problem. For consumers, the ability to use mobile, social and the web is not only enlivening real-time experiences,…

The Future of Social TV is a Multi Screen Experience [video]

The Pew Internet and American Life Project recently published a study that found 50% of cellphone owners use their phones while watching TV. Connected viewers are not only driving the rise of Social TV, their activities are opening new windows for real-time multi-screen experiences that require design. Joining me on this episode of Revolution is Jesse Redniss, SVP Digital of USA Network. His work already looks beyond how to make programming social. Redniss and the team at USA Network are…

Businesses not Making the Pivot from Lip Service to Social Customer Service [infographic]

Social media changes everything. Marketing, sales, customer service, they’re no longer departments, engagement is now a way of business. As the impact of social spreads through organizations, questions arise about the role social ultimately plays in customer service and overall customer experiences. For the past three years, good friend Brent Leary and the folks at Social Media Today have produced The Social Customer Engagement Index. It examines how companies are using social tools for customer service and, more importantly, how…

Facebook: Over 1 Billion Served – Plus Interesting Stats

Mark Zuckerberg announced in a short and sweet post today that Facebook is now home to one billion digital denizens. I’m not going to focus on the impact this news will have on its stock. Instead, I would like to focus on how this significant milestone aligns with his vision, a vision that was clearly communicated in the company’s S-1. After re-reading Zuckerberg’s letter to investors, here are a few themes that resonate with me in light of this news……

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