Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

International Retail Design Conference Kicks Off with Keys to Surviving Digital Darwinism

Via VMSD Magazine

The 21st annual International Retail Design Conference presented by VMSDmagazine played host to a throng of visual merchandisers, store designers and retail executives at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel.

Centered around the theme “Rethink Retail,” the conference opened with keynote speaker and digital anthropologist Brian Solis, who shared how the emerging customer experience economy is transforming retail design. Among his insights were keys to surviving what he called “digital Darwinism.”

“With every tech revolution, society changes, business changes, life changes,” explained Solis. “We adapt and keep up, or we become obsolete.”

As a solution, he encouraged attendees to swim with the current of digital transformation and offer new experiences that speak to new consumer needs and behaviors.

He also shared some vital statistics, including how 84 percent of consumers say the shopping experience is as important as the product itself. “Look for places where friction exists, and use tech to take that friction away,” he advised.

IRDC 2021 Keynote: Retailers as Experience Designers – the Future of Retail

via VMSD Magazine, Jennifer Acevedo

What will the year 2030 bring the retail industry? The need to create an extraordinarily deep and meaningful customer experience. Your brand will be defined by those who experience it — and Brian Solis will help you be ready.

For almost 30 years, Brian has studied and influenced the effects of emerging technology on business and society. A world-renowned digital anthropologist and futurist, author, sought-after social media influencer and keynote speaker, and currently a Global Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce, he’s helped organizations worldwide understand and leverage innovation to create meaningful connections with customers, peers, and society at large.

In this must-see keynote, Brian’s eye-opening insights and guidance about the emerging customer experience economy will transform how you approach retail design.

Attendee BONUS: Each IRDC 2021 attendee will receive a copy of Brian’s bestselling book X: The Experience When Business Meets Design — a groundbreaking work on how the future of retail will be intensely experiential…and how to create and cultivate meaningful experiences with your own brand.

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