Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

December 2020 is LifeScale Month 🙌: Let’s Make 2021 a More Creative and Happier Year

Dani Saveker developed Visual Synopsis to capture inspiring content in a beautiful, simple and memorable way. Did you know that half the human brain is directly or indirectly devoted to processing visual information? The brain can identify images seen for as little as 13 milliseconds. At least 65% of people are “visual learners.”

In 2019, Dani Saveker, CEO and the founder of GLAS, and creator of Visual Synopsis, read LifeScale: How To Live a More Creative, Productive, and Happy Life. It inspired her to transform the LifeScale journey into a beautiful Visual Synopsis.

Dani then assembled her favorite experiences into a physical calendar, featuring a visual synopsis for each month in 2020. I was thrilled to learn that LifeScale made the December spot. It’s even more special because it’s my birthday month (the 8th)! I’ve held onto the calendar for a year and have it hanging in my office.

To commemorate the occasion, I scanned the calendar to create a PDF (embedded below) if you’d like to print it out. You can also download a hi-res Visual Synopsis by Dani at no cost here.

Thank you Dani! 🙏

Happy Holidays everyone! 🎄

LifeScale Visual Synopsis

LifeScale came to Dani’s attention following a recent Blog post from her friends at GapingVoid. LifeScale presents an intimate and personal reflection of how challenging life can now be and explores a series of ways to improve this. The author, Brian Solis, writes simply and creatively – allowing you to join him on his own journey and come away feeling lifted and better equipped.

Dani found that this book is the closest to her own thinking and the framework she created for a very similar reason – GLAS. You’ll see that like most other VS pieces, Dani has included GLAS within this drawing.

The book is wonderfully illustrated and joyfully has space and a layout to echo Brian’s sentiments. It’s a wonderful read and highly recommended.

2020 Calendar

The 2020 Visual Synopsis Calendar features the following (amazing) authors/books…

  • Dare to Lead – Brene Brown

  • Outliers – Malcolm Gladwell

  • Building a Story Brand – Donald Miller

  • Shoot for the Moon – Richard Wiseman

  • The Effective Executive – Peter F Drucker

  • Five Stars – Carmine Gallo

  • 12 Rules for Life – Jordan B Peterson

  • Notes on a Nervous Planet – Matt Haig

  • Good to Great – Jim Collins

  • Alchemy – Rory Sutherland

  • Focus – Daniel Goleman

  • LifeScale – Brian Solis

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