Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Month: March, 2016

CustomerThink: Should #CX Professionals Care About the Four Moments of Truth?

CustomerThink: Should #CX Professionals Care About the Four Moments of Truth?

By Annette Franz Gleneicki, CustomerThink (Excerpt) Last year, I wrote about moments of truth, defining them as: that make or break moment in the customer journey, that moment when, if all goes well, the customer will continue the journey and complete the task or interaction; he will do (or continue to do) business with you. If things go awry, he will not complete the interaction and will go elsewhere. I recently read Brian Solis’ latest book, X: The Experience When Business Meets Design….

X Marks the Spot: Where Experience Meets Design

X Marks the Spot: Where Experience Meets Design

Please watch the video below… I’ve met some pretty incredible people over the years. One such individual that I wanted to introduce to is Bryan Elliott, an entrepreneur, writer, event producer and advocate for innovative thinkers and businesses. I originally met Bryan at Blog World Expo back in the day, one of the original big tech shows we all used to hit on the circuit. He’s just one of the nicest (and most connected) human beings you could ever meet at a conference or anywhere really….

Pitch: SXSW Day 5, Finding happiness, making experiences and capturing a moment on the last day

Pitch: SXSW Day 5, Finding happiness, making experiences and capturing a moment on the last day

By Carolyn Cohen, Pitch (Excerpt) As SXSW wrapped up, I attended a  few final sessions, learned about content and innovation and talked to other folks from those disciplines. Here’s my roundup. 4. The Future is Experience My favorite panel of the day was led by Brian Solis of Altimeter Group. He shared insights from his new book, X: The Experience When Business Meets Design, and discussed why companies such as Apple, Disney and Nike succeed: Each of those companies create an experience….

VentureBeat: 3 types of design every company needs to know

VentureBeat: 3 types of design every company needs to know

By Ken Yeung, VentureBeat (excerpt) In John Maeda’s second annual “Design in Tech” report, he moved from raising awareness about design in tech to focusing on larger, established firms that have either become complacent with their creative efforts or are looking for insights into what disruptors (read: startups) are doing better. He cites research from Gartner, the Temkin Group, Accenture, and others as evidence that executives and companies are looking for better ways to differentiate their products from competitors. “Experiences are more important than…

Why Mobile First is No Longer Enough; It’s Time To Think About Mobile Only Design

Why Mobile First is No Longer Enough; It’s Time To Think About Mobile Only Design

For the last few years, “mobile first!” has become the mantra among savvy digital marketers. But a mobile first approach seems to be more of an ideology than it is a standard in digital design. Recent research shows that marketers still invest in mobile as an afterthought or as a bolt on to more mainstream digital programs. For some reason, executives still need more convincing to properly fund and support mobile initiatives that span the entire customer journey not just…

SXSW 2016: Where to Find Me (and Get Free Copies of X!)

SXSW 2016: Where to Find Me (and Get Free Copies of X!)

It’s that time of year again and I’m excited to have the opportunity to meet with so many incredible companies, entrepreneurs and people changing the world. There are a number events, book signings and presentations that I wanted to share with you. If you have time to make one or more, please join me. Many of the events are open to all with several generous companies offering free companies of X to attendees. Take a look below and let’s meet y’all!…

Lift16: The Wild Promises of the Digital Customer Experience

Lift16: The Wild Promises of the Digital Customer Experience

via Johann Recordon, Lift Held on Thursday, February 11, The Wild Promises of the Digital Customer Experience welcomed two speakers from the USA and Sweden who talked about the relationship in the digital world between brands and customers, governements and citizens, and two Open Stage speakers from Switzerland and Luxembourg. Can a great digital experience empower the customers and not only secure a sale? The digital customer experience has been making the buzz these past months, promising corporations unmatched loyalty and competitivity….

Inc. – 9 Digital Influencers Who Are Killing It On TV

Inc. – 9 Digital Influencers Who Are Killing It On TV

by Joel Comm, Inc., Excerpt   Though some may say that television is king, it’s obvious that many celebrities and influencers are starting their careers on their social media platforms, making the transition to television after they’ve already gained millions of followers and fame in their own right. Though social media followers do not necessarily translate into high ratings on television, these social media experts and influencers are making the transition from blog to tube easily and with panache. Many…

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