Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Announcing My Next Book: X, The Experience When Business Meets Design

It is with great pride, relief ,mixed with a bursting sensation of anxiousness, that I announce my next book, X: The Experience When Business Meets Design.

It’s been a long road to get here. I started writing this book 3.5 – 4 years ago. I couldn’t get my mind fully around the subject matter and instead willfully embraced my avoidance behavior syndrome and ended up writing a book that wasn’t in my plan at all, What’s the Future of Business (WTF) – Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences. In hindsight, it was meant to be as WTF served as both a mental and physical bridge to X. Now 2.5 years since the release of my last book, X is set to hit shelves and screens mid-October.

It is available for pre-order today and it would mean everything if you could help support me in this new endeavor. #thankyou

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X = Experience

Welcome to a new era of business in which your brand is defined by those who experience it.

Do you know how your customers experience your brand today?

Do you know how they really feel?

Do you know what they say when you re not around?

In an always-on world where everyone is connected to information and also one-another, customer experience is your brand. And, without defining experiences, brands become victim to whatever people feel and share.

X reveals why great products or service are no longer good enough to win with customers and why creative marketing and delightful customer service too are not enough to succeed. With each turn of the page, I share why the future of business is experiential and how to go about creating and cultivating meaningful experiences.

Design by Mekanism

The irony isn’t lost on me that this story about digital transformation is told in book form. But, this isn’t your ordinary business book.

The whole idea of what a book is and what it could be was completely re-imagined for a digital meets analog world. From the shape to its structure how the story unfolds is hyper-designed to be a relevant while aiming to evoke a sensational experience.

Over the last couple of years, Mekanism and I worked together as if we were designing a mobile app. In fact, our working premise was how to make print feel as intuitive as anything you do in your smartphone or tablet. And more so, how do we make paper relevant in a digital economy.

It’s beautiful and functional. It’s design as an art to meet objectives. All the while, the book is meant to evoke emotion and also offer new perspective and insights to help you win the hearts and minds of your customers. More so, the design of this book, along with what fills its pages, was done using the principles shared within.

The book is the experience.

Thank you for your support over the years. I’m very privileged to have you with me on this journey. ready-made company I hope you love this book. I was inspired by what’s possible when you get your hands on it and start to bring to life new ideas that do nothing less than change everything.

Video by Mekanism

9 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “Announcing My Next Book: X, The Experience When Business Meets Design”

  1. Moad Rgeyi says:

    Congratulation Brian on the new book and the acquisition by Prophet! I have already preordered off Amazon and will be looking forward to get my hands on it.

    I’m amazed how you constantly manage to publish new books especially when working in the consultancy space! Would you kindly share some tips on how to use time more effectively to make space for writing?


    • briansolis says:

      Thank you.

      This one is 3.5 years in the making so I’m not sure I’m the best person to answer your question. 😉
      I guess it helps that I’m always studying and writing…I don’t consult…But, that makes it harder too because the number of things I want to write about. I do have a slideshare here ->
      It’s woefully in need of updating.

    • Moad Rgeyi says:

      haha thanks any way for sharing the slides! will do my best to attend the session on the new book in London.


  2. JC Giraldo says:

    Hey @briansolis:disqus I just made the pre-order for my kindle..I’ll get it on Oct. 5th…can not wait ..Gracias !

  3. Robin S says:


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